How the fuck is this sustainable?

How the fuck is this sustainable?

Attached: fed.jpg (993x818, 113.47K)

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Who said anything about sustainability? We are in the process of the great collapse. Strap in.

buy GME to become part of the new financial elite

6% mortgage rates are low historically. Markets are addicted to the low rates we've had over the past few decades.

They're trying to eliminate the middle class and usher in a technocratic feudalism. Empty buzzwords like "sustainable" has nothing to do with any of it.

basically this

Houses used to cost 3x the median wage instead of 8x. A 6% rate would make the median mortgage 2500 a month

They're trying kill demand, the fed can only raise its interest rates so high to much debt

It isn't. Global recession time.

So houses are unsustainably high relative to wages
i dont know what comes next

its not but we are like a fool who drunk a whole vodka bottle alone the night before. so gotta get through the hangover. this wont be easy. but debt hast imploded the last two years. everyone was rich. everyone had money.

This will force inflated prices down, the feds goal

what part of "prices are too high" didn't you understand?

house prices will come down because of that

> rates this high with houses at this price isn't sustainable!
let me square the circle for you: housing will drop in price

houses can only cost so much because interest rates are so low. Institutional investors are about to get burned hard on real estate in general too. Something's gotta give. People who think that land is always guaranteed money don't understand history.

gee I can't even imagine


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You idiots, what is really unsustainable is 0% rates and is what brought us into this situation in the first place.
Rising the rates is good and should continue. Having the printer at 0% rates causes an unbelievable amount of inflation that is finally catching up to the U.S.

Middle classis dead but hey at there's 800 different pronouns and niggers being overly represented in media.

yeah HISTORICALLY it doesn't matter when houses are literally double or more than what they cost historically when the rates were that high. mortgages are exponentially more expensive when the base loan is so high

>they're uplifting the poor

Attached: 1643244012323.jpg (720x702, 72.86K)

Based and printerpilled

Not a single Fed policy or Biden administration policy is uplifting the poor though, you schizophrenic retard.

Meds. Now.

oh bucko it's over

Third world shithole user here. Credit Cards are at 30% and mortgages close to 15%. You have no idea how good you have it

Yes, and this will push house prices down. This is all working as intended idk what people were expecting.

6% is historically low. Even 20% for credit cards is historically low.

Educate yourself

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>uplifting the poor
Lol. Lmao even. Everybody is getting poorer and this fucking bunkertranny still comes here to work for free for his masters.