Why do you fags get to have everything

Why do you fags get to have everything..

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This shit retarded universe hates you.

Because pokemon is the call of duty of RPGs and pump out a steaming pile of shit on a tight schedule.


Digimon is retarded and filled with bitch characters

Ok digicuck

Kill yourself, retard.

I've heard you guys say some stupid shit before, but for the love of god stop trying to outdo yourselves.

Strong devs don't need to delay to release quality games. Gamefreak is in this category.
Weak devs constantly delay and only wind up releasing bad games. Digimon devs is in this category.

I just want to fuck the digimons

>survive covid
>survive ww3

Digimon doesn't care about the games while Pokemon uses the games to advertise the Pokemon and new region.

>Strong devs don't need to delay to release quality games.
Tell that to Shigeru Miyamoto, the guy who invented your childhood.

This. If digimon wants new monsters they just introduce them in v pets, the card game, gachas, anime, merch, etc. They're not limited by the concept of generations but this also means extremely inconsistent workflow.

You speak as if anything in the last 10 years has been worth playing.

>Caring about Digimon beyond the Adventure anime

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you get to have 14 different variants of agumon though

Even the best digimon game is million times worse than the worst pokemon game. Cope.

What did Miyamoto delay of late user? That's the thing, back in the 80's, it wasn't easy to develop games but as time wore on, even from the early to late 80's it got easier, then we hit a technology boom of sorts and in the 30 years since, we have personal computers in our pockets pretending to be phones.
And despite people's claims of Game Freaks poor ability as developers, they're actually one of the most consistent regarding projected and actual launch dates and do enough with their games to continue propagating their brand, which is not something any old arsehole dev can claim.

I'll consider answering your post.

because bamco doesn't think the console game side of digimon can sell even a percentage as well as the anime and vital bracelets do so they leave a single team to make this through multiple chaotic worldwide events to try and have a great game once a decade

and Pokemon has been shitting out games and if we're lucky, 1 out of the 6 dropped annually will be fun enough to not drop after 3 hours because Pokemon is just a franchise that can have a strict schedule to commit to these release dates knowing no matter what unfinished crap comes out, its a promised next haul of a few billion in profits.

Hacker's Memory is borderline a visual novel add on and its a better game than the majority of Pokemon games

Oh no, you're genuinely retarded.

tbf pokemon games have sucked hard lately, would not be surprised if every competing jrpg by now is advanced past it, I'm sure even fucking nexomon has improved on what pokemon has done by now

I know this board is obsessed with Digimon, but do we really need to make fake screenshots to shitpost about it?

Digimon World 1 is way better than most nu-gens. With that said I will take nu-gen Pokemon over trah like Cyber shit.

user, I...

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Shout outs to DigiCon stating they could've had the ok for a Digimon World 1 port or remaster by now or even a full remake but they just don't know what to do

Digimon is basically just an anime franchise now

>Digimon World 1 is way better than most nu-gens
lol no it isn't

A nothing burger
No meat
Just crumbs