Is this the best time to get in crypto for those who missed out in 2020?

is this the best time to get in crypto for those who missed out in 2020?

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yes start buying in now (dollar cost average), becuase itll be hard to catch the bottom (flash wicks, exchanges freezing, fiat onboard limits/delays, etc.)



no one knows shit

No, we still have further to drop, guaranteed 100%

We’ve had the worst bull this cycle and in track for worst bear also. I have feeling that the uptrend is over, we go down lower highs and lower lowers each cycle now.

capitulation signal

Everything besides BTC and ETH are already down almost 90%. I bought LINK at 6 bucks months ago and it's just been basically a crab for me.

All humans on the planet could look at BTC and agree its price is $100k and shake hands or they could look at it and agree its price is $1000. Its magic internet money and pure luck that got it to the arbitrary high of $69,000. Goodbye, crypto. It was fun while it lasted.

Which popular crypto do you think will die and which will survive? Last time crypto were in a bear market for about a year or two right?

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BTC bottom is 4500 screencap me niggers

If you believe that the next 10 years will be like the last 10 years then invest in crypto.
If you believe that the next 10 years will be like the 1930s then you should maybe not.

Unironically right now. Maybe wait a little longer for the true bottom but everything is on sale right now. Get in while you can! I just bought 10k more of BTC this morning. I’m in for the long haul.

It's ALWAYS the good time to get in crypto

BTC has never been below ATH ever. This is unprecedented. Plus the macro scenary is dogshit. Rate hikes will hammer the market for a long time. Im not even dcaing on MSCI yet.

>40k support duration: 50 days
>30k support duration: 30 days
>20k support duration: 4 days
>15k support duration:
I'll let you figure the rest of it out on your own

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BTC, ETH, LINK are what I suggest to my normie friends as "safe"

GRT, AVAX, SFI are not "guaranteed" but are still vastly likely to stay around considering what they're doing

No we are going to 10k and it should be around the fall where we hit the lows.

Don't do it user you will make it, get greedy and then loose most of it on the big Bitcoin crash of 2026 to $100k. Have never felt worse in my entire life even though I'm up on my 10k BTC buys.

why avax and sfi?

iirc grt is going to be like the Google of all crypto


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everybody waiting for this so it will never, keep dreaming though

GRT will be made obsolete next month

Look at me guessing into thin air