Link marines on suicide watch! Gtfih!!

Link marines on suicide watch! Gtfih!!

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All he fucking had to do was hold. Years ago there were threads saying don't fucking let chainlink out of your hands for anything. All he had to do was nothing ALL YOU HAD TO EVER DO WAS NOTHING

>not clickbait

Smiles to tell the story

Def a crazy guy, how can he laugh at his own demise

palatine is based. oldfags know whats up.

It was a risky click for sure!

Fuck, I remember this dude used to make vids shilling LINK and RSR back in the day, before they mooned. I always thought he'd made it big and was living like a god in his third world shithole. Genunely sad to see this video.

he still has half his stack and is richer than 99% of biz, he'll be fine, especially in India

Linkies have always warned other Linkies about CEFI. I’m seeing lots of similar stories on Twitter.
Not your keys, not your crypto.

>I think we are at the absolute bottom

AAVE isn't CeFi. But the market is definitely hunting for AAVE liquidations, we'll see if ourjeet survives.

this guy 2 years ago looked like he was in his teens/early 20s, now he looks like he is pushing 40

Not only did the stress of crypto suck the lifeforce out of him, but he has nothing to show for it. This is an underrated side effect of playing with shitcoins or daytrading. You get the lifeforce sucked out of you, unless you're doing it from a position of wealth to start off with

Checked. That's just the regular aging path of a pajeet male though.

>Holding Chainlink

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I just snorted an opioid

Confirmed my suspicion that 90% of this board are Pajeets.

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what Any Forums pajeets imagine themselves as once they make it.

fuck, why can't he at least dress nicely. lose some weight and shave that god damn moustache.

being rich is not enough to prevent you from looking like a slob.

I really want a woman taller than me.
Thank god I was born manlet

hi palatine

who cares, hes got the chick