Why can’t everyone just own everything collectively?

Why can’t everyone just own everything collectively?

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I'll slay you with my bare hands, commie.

Okay, I'm on board.
But only for the violent revolution part.

That only works if you are an npc.

Imagine collectively owning a toilet. That's why.

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Because some animals are more equal than others

that's socialism


Because I'm a chump who will get screwed over come distribution time.

And you’re the one who has to clean it. I’m busy.

Also you’re Canadian, eh?

That means that your asshole is also owned collectively and everyone that owns it can rape it however he wants.

sounds hot desu. why haven't we implemented it yet?

Cause not everyone is smart enough to research and understand that Lace is probably your safest fucking money value token now.

Not many can actually know how to extract money out of the metaverse industry without actually being involved with jpegs, nfts and random shitgames

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notice how this dumb question is asked by a frogposter

Then everything would have the quality and stench of a public toilet

Most people treat stuff they don’t personally own like shut

Because humans are greedy by nature

Imagine there being items you depend on for your existence that you must share with chimps. Said chimps use and destroy these items despite your attempts to properly maintain them as you use them. How much longer do you continue to share these items with these chimps before you decide you need your own items?

why not collectively own nothing instead ? .. and be happy

No, I'm busy. You clean it. You're the murderer here, taco belly.

how about you keep your hands off my things

Communism = everyone is equal
Real life = evolution kills off the stupid and weak

Young people have a warped perspective on collective ownership, because everyone starts out owning nothing. Come back after you've made it and see how you feel about it then.

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