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Go back to shiddit.

shut up.
Yes, who would have thought building a fiat ponzi, slapping on a crypto sticker would eventually implode...
And to be completely honest, how yield earning ponzinomics work is not that different from how the debt based fiat system work - only difference is that fiat is a million times larger than any of these microscopical ecosystems within crypto. This again shows the power of Bitcoin, Litecoin and similar capped cryptos that aren't trying to be anything else than a speculative novelty.

I told the people here this countless times over the last 5 years and of course was attacked by mouth breathers as you would expect.


>who would have thought building a fiat ponzi, slapping on a crypto sticker would eventually implode...
>And to be completely honest, how yield earning ponzinomics work is not that different from how the debt based fiat system work - only difference is that fiat is a million times larger than any of these microscopical ecosystems within crypto. This again shows the power of Bitcoin, Litecoin and similar capped cryptos that aren't trying to be anything else than a speculative novelty.

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>invent decentralized systems to avoid getting fucked by centralized systems
>people like the idea and decide to invest
>put all their money into centralized systems and get fucked over
i hope satoshi is dead so that he doesn't have to witness this

What do these people want to have regulated?
None of them were holding crypto from the point they put money into this thing.
Like, I'm honestly completely unsure how that would even look in a regulatory sense. Right?

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>No matter how decentralized you think crypto is...
>Gives his keys to a centralized platform

Redditors deserve to lose their money.

> salt mine general
Where THE FUCK are the salt mines?

I'm looking for the best place to get some crypto loss porn / posts of despair right now that I can jack off to. Preferably losses incurred by Normies and low IQ wagies, not necessarily degenerates who are too far gone.

biz isn't Normie enough for that purposes, way too many degenerates who feel nothing when they lose $50,000. I need to see Normies losing their shit

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lol you dumb faggots, meanwhile I still get my 43% APY from FWT Freeway.

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imagine putting your coins in someone else's wallet.


>I need to see Normies losing their shit
Leddit m8


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>I'm looking for the best place to get some crypto loss porn / posts of despair right now that I can jack off to. Preferably losses incurred by Normies and low IQ wagies, not necessarily degenerates who are too far gone.

If you want to stalk leddit, r/CelsiusNetwork is the based place to go. They are getting rugpulled and recently, their main guy did an 'AMA' which lasted 15 seconds before he bailed. You can also check Reveddit to see deleted threads and comments

Attached: celciuscope.png (1127x1184, 520K)

*best* not *based*

>invent decentralized systems so inefficient that transaction processing takes minutes if not hours and incurs massive fees
>people flock to centralized systems for trading

Can you imagine how blackpilled Ari Jules must be right now. Imagine handing humanity the secret to financial freedom and self determination and only for the goyim to throw away their savings repeatedly into centralized ponzi schemes again and again.

plebbit makes more money than Any Forumslets. cope

>Pardon my french
>Could it be that people overreacted and it somehow was OUR fault?
double kek

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Fuck off tourists