I don't know what will happen with the anime for Gen 9, but all I hope is that they get rid of him

I don't know what will happen with the anime for Gen 9, but all I hope is that they get rid of him

Attached: Goh.png (215x597, 109.5K)

Of course I will, duh

they'll try getting rid of ash and keep goh in gen 9 but the vitriol online will cause them to backpedal hard and attempt a proper followup to XY in gen 10.

He really is the worst character
But tge current anime is just wasted potential with a flawed premise to begin with

Goh will be the deuteragonist until they discontinue pokemon go.


>going to Spanish speaking country
>getting rid of the brown mystery meat self insert
Wouldn't bet on it

This should've been the main cast

Attached: Gary, Ash, & Iris.jpg (660x450, 83.32K)

Eh, I would have preferred an actual Galar series

haven't been keeping up with the anime, why is he bad?

Sorry, Ash's boyfriend is here to stay.

Attached: 82985062_p0.jpg (1920x1080, 1018.93K)

Ppl hate Goh because he hogs Ash’s screentime and catches all the cool mons ash should’ve had. Ppl also hate how team development is so god damn rushed.

Ash doesn't need to take the Gym Challange in Galar since he's a Champion

Goh gets an episode by himself with no Ash
Ash always has to have Goh in his episodes

Interesting, can see how that would be annoying desu

How does winning a league mean he can't enter another? Especially since Alola's was lackluster

I hope they kill off Ash

Unironically yes
>Three hyper competitive trainers
>Gary and Iris trying to outsmug eachother for a few seasons
>Both treating Ash like the angry baby of the group
Picked the fuck up


Ash when he isn't being nerfed or dumbed down is more competent than Iris and plus Gary would mock her more than he use to mock Ash in Kanto.

It's beneath him and him fighting other champions, gym leaders, elite four members, former rivals, and friends is much more interesting than all of Galar

He's going to be the new main protagonist so Cinderace can become a staple and eventually join Smash Bros.

Is there a rival more pathetic than he is?

>INB4 he shows up in the Journeys only for him to get defeated by Paul

Attached: Trip being a weirdo.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)