Why was trump so good for the markets?

Why was trump so good for the markets?

Attached: trump biden sp500.jpg (1002x586, 92.04K)

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Because Trump printed money from thin air all along during his term

he didn't do anything in particular. It was just all the QE

2018 was QT retard. We went sideways

He removed a lot of regulations and lowered taxes, wouldn't call that nothing.

inherited a growing economy from obongo
printed lots of dollarydoos in 2020
i'm sorry but you can seethe as much as you like but these are both true

kys, retard

Attached: 21D219F5-0678-45A7-A3F5-51951A44B27C.jpg (1242x805, 443.15K)

Nothing he did actually mattered for the market. It was just the QE. Literally. Fed is what matters for markets.

He begged the fed not to increase rates. Honestly it was based. If we had 5 more years of free money I could have made it from crypto and retired before the house of cards went down, but here we are.

True actually. He would have stepped on Powell's throat and I would have retired too.

dude this chart is literally because of the Fed announcing and beginning tapering/tightening/interest rates. anyone who thinks the president has that much effect on the markets is fucking stupid

These are both true, but neither one is the explanation.

Like if trump had any impact on that

Trump is literally why we are in this mess, kek.

He lowered taxes from the rich elites and fellow jews. Normal working people got jack shit in the long run.

Because money printer went BRRRRR

Because he was actually a better president than the actual oldtimer

Because Trump is a businessman, whereas Biden is a demented senile who should have retired already.
This board is pro-Biden because it is full of low-IQ coomers with genetic defects, who always lose money no matter what. Keep cooming and losing money, retards. Even the short gamblers are losing money because they can't withdrawn from their casinos.

This, QE and low interest rates for a decade have caused this it didn't matter who was in charge. It was always going to collapse.

It turns out getting sucked off 24/7 kind of makes it hard to determine whether or not you're doing well.


Wrong. I got a raise because of the tax cuts and was told as much. I went from being told I was lucky to have a job under obongo to having vastly more job opportunities. I watched my mom go from a year of unemployment to getting contracts then hired. Fuck you kike.

Reminder gas was $1.45 under Trump

Energy policy. Yes, it's that simple.