Last Chance to Laugh at Gen 9 Believers - Thread

Come here to have a hearty laugh, DLC Friends

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We literally just got Legends. I would be surprised if Gen 9 comes out this year

> DLC Friends

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Ahahaha we won denialbros

Frogposter BTFO in 3,2,1...

OP, you do know that your post will have over 100 (you)s laughing at how wrong you were?

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I came here to laugh at dlc retards too

Best case scenario, Gen 9 isn't announced.
Worst case scenario, Gen 9 is announced for 2022.
Hell, even if Gen 9 does get announced, if it's for 2023, there might be some hope yet.
Assuming there's nobody who got septs saying Gen 9 will be worse than Gen 8.

I think we will get a teaser at best, and then a 2023 release date, but no new full game this year
They don't use engines cross-gen, they worked the last 1.5 years on Legends, do they really have the time to remake all the models and add new Pokemon and a new region within a year? I doubt it

Arguments for Gen 9 in 2022:

We’re getting dlc, sleep, and a gen 9 teaser at the end so everyone should stop fighting and hug it out :))

>and they really think they're going to get a 9th generation when we just got a mainline game

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Sad believers

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The saddest

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Both DLC and gen 9 will be piss and shit

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Pokemon Bug and Pokemon Anusu
Pokemon Misutah and Pokemon Merricku

No :)

fuck gen 9 i want my regional starmie

>English chat deactivated so no Russia/Ukraine spam
Smart move