
it was great talking with all the bancor employees defending their protocol. lets do it again! THREE MILLION LINK PENDING WITHDRAWAL.

Attached: 1.png (724x594, 761.28K)

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over 3 million LINK pending withdrawal

Attached: 2.png (1560x190, 51.02K)

people are getting around 60% of their LINK back, the rest in BNT which they promptly sell to try to make their LINK stack whole. heres one of the latest withdrawals

Attached: 3.png (1802x420, 182.25K)

is this v2 or v3? I thought v3 did away with the BNT thing to make it whole

this is v3. as we know from yesterday, v2 still instantly withdraw and you get all your link, but BNT rewards locked for 24 hours. V3 you have to wait 7 days, and then you get back 60% of your LINK + fresh BNT

Link short squeeze possible, thread here:

Don't keep a single link outside of your wallet. There likely aren't enough to go around across CEXs

Honestly the timing of this with the LINK short squeeze is pretty epic. Some percentage of 3 million LINK being market bought by people withdrawing. Bad for BNT but an extra bit of flavour in the "fuck the LINK shorters" narrative.

Why are people so fucking stupid
We've had the highest volatility lately in a long time and liquidity is still fragmented and not as high as it will be
Literally the dumbest time to withdraw
But hey that's how markets work
I profit off your fear and your mania

Excellent thread my nigga. Glad I can be of some service.
-Jason Parser

you're a stupid nigger. IL happens on v2.1 as well and has been for months.

Attached: bnt scam.png (986x213, 52.7K)

Except if bnt goes down u lose ur link, so is it worth it?

You would be wrong.

This is funny to the shorter though. 3 millions withdrawal on bancor, most of them will receive bnt and then they will market buy their stack back. Meaning the shorter is going to get rekt hard with this one

where can you short BNT?

Don't forget to pay your taxes when bancor swaps your link to bnt!

Tax or lose ur link. Not a hard choice

It's honestly perfect timing. Pretty much guaranteed 500k-1m LINK getting market bought. I hope the chink shorters are reading this right now.

fucking lol

Attached: 1650290786997.jpg (1267x451, 40.45K)

its celsius bro
they had a shitload of eth and link on bnt and had to withdraw

I have a feeling it’s Celsius. They are really shooting themselves in the foot with this one. Short link because they are going bankrupt, disrupt bancor causing a mass withdrawal and going to squeeze their shorts when people buy back. Hahahahah

And they dumped literally millions of BNT. Sucks as a BNT holder but honestly if your protocol can't survive this sort of shit then it doesn't deserve to make it.

That would actually be the worst outcome as Celsius would dump their BNT but not convert it to LINK. It would be better if it's LINK whales covering their asses who intend to buy straight back into LINK with whatever BNT they get paid out.

buddy give me some on chain evidence from yesterday then. yesterday we had people taking their LINK off v2 and getting it all. i got all my link when i took it off v2 several months ago

the timing is NUTS and there is no such thing as coincidence in my frame of reference

I don’t think that 3 millions belongs to them, maybe partial. I know most are marines, I myself included

It's a dumb ponzi. You solve the IL by printing but, it's literally been this way the whole fucking time.

When the bnt price dips you get a death spiral.


so mass withdrawal, linkies swap bnt back into link, those still LPing rake in massive fees, bnt dumps but afterwards stabilizes and then recovers as people realize this wasn't some LUNA death spiral situation, people realize the protocol works as intended and Bancor proves its robustness. sounds good to me

For ur sake I hope u are right. For bancor they better slow down the dump or stabilised bancor before their short get squeezed lmao

>For bancor
I mean Celsius not bancor