Xièxiè for your qián, silly gweilo

>Xièxiè for your qián, silly gweilo

Attached: 16194815573.jpg (400x400, 34.56K)

what does that even mean?

Thank you for your money

stupid foreign

who the fuck is that yellow?

Quite racist over there my fellow nigga

Attached: 1599135947054.png (360x479, 147.41K)

who is this ?


Thank you for your money, silly bird nose cracker kike.

English please?

You are welcome

I swear this fucking shills get more complex everyday

that's the founder of stepn right?

Jerry huang? I guess so so op is implying that stepn is a scam? that makes sense

Google says so

you suck dick w/o pretext

Why bother posting this?

Just trying to fudd stepn a bit i guess


i was thinking the same, god had to google its pic to guess who the fuck was this

must be true then google never lies