15k is my buy in

I will buy a Bitcoin at 15k. What's your slurp price?

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200 dollars.

these shitty normalfags are the reason we're not at the bottom yet

>triple vaxed NPC shilling for ukraine
it's over, we're going to 10k

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>please buy bro, please buy we need you to buy or crypto will die, please just buy.
Meanwhile Whales are just selling and preparing for the recession.I fucking hate these people, also that flag on his nickname is a sign he is a huge faggot

My slurp price is 12k mr dataminer bot!
I hope everyone got its daily booster and donation to ukraine!
Hy mom!

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The normalfagging is really strong in this one!

>What's your slurp price?
Gif related

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Recession is bullish

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Oh wow unique opinions

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How soon do you think we'd get to 10k/12k?

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1 dollar

1 (one) normalfag spewing bullshit means nothing, not statistically relevant

are you all pajeets?
he literally said the bottom was not in yet

I'm waiting for $ 8k btc, $ 200 eth and $ 1 link

12k is a number i've pegged for a long time and is the actual bottom

If the bottom is $15,010 you'll miss out. Better to DCA.

Guys I know you're new to Any Forums, but believe it or not people use op pictures that get replies. Thanks for the bumps though kiddos

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Fucking idiots think the whales will let it go below 20k, they are not going to give us that cheap of bitcoin.