My dream game is a gsc in this style with reworked maps

my dream game is a gsc in this style with reworked maps

Attached: imagem_2022-02-26_151503.png (575x629, 376.09K)

Holy fuck that looks hideous, do johtoniggers really?

Johtonigger here: I don't want this; it's ugly as fuck.

So pokemon 3d?
It's an old game that's the gen 2 games looking like this

The hd-2d stuff they're doing with stuff like the Dragon Quest 3 remake would look legions better than this clusterfuck

I'd rather have an HD-2D remake, no fucking chibis just something like Live A Live

Attached: NSwitch_LiveALive_05_EN.jpg (1280x720, 402.69K)

I'd sooner see a 3D Pokémon game that makes a good case for UE5 than a game that fellates the past.

Attached: Goldenrod_City.png (1200x680, 185.82K)

The Octopath Traveler art style is a plague.

You could've just asked for the Octopath style but made for Pokemon.

Some things are just meant to be 2D and this is one of them.

Just play paper mario

Faggotry outside of Any Forums? Reported.

Bdsp is so blurry so we already have that

holy crap that looks so good

cool liminal space

Cursed Abstinence that looks amazing, do Johtoaryans really?

Eh, I'd probably play a pop-up book style of Johto with GBC graphics. At least that lets them take some liberties.

How the fuck do random artists have a better sense of art direction than ICLA?

It's a little bit rough around the edges, but fuck, I like this. It could look really good if you there was just slight parralax like 2.5D used in gen 4 and gen 5.

I don't want this

you're joking, right?

Reminds me of those old Nintendo games like chulip and animal crossing