Gen 9 is tomorrow and the board doesn't even seem excited about the fact

Gen 9 is tomorrow and the board doesn't even seem excited about the fact

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they’re copping about the fact that legend is just a one off spinoff that will never get a dlc.

World war 3 is happening

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aaand no one should give a shit

Because no one in their right mind would be after Sword and Shit

I just want to catch pokemons

Half the board is braindead and still have hope it can be delays and be good.

Pokemon is forever shit now, gen 9 is this year.

It's not gen 9 for 95%.

>NOOOOO! They’re bombing muh racist country! Save me pokemon!
shut up chud.

just be retarded, chud.

No it's not. Ukraine is such an insignificant little shit hole that nothing major will happen.

Ukraine just becomes part of Russia again and its over. Many Ukrainians flee to Poland and shit. The end.

>racism narrative
>also used incorrectly

>"Whos ready for gen 9!!!!11!!!????"

>Gen 4 was shit
>Gen 5 was shit
>Gen 6 was shit
>Gen 7 was shit
>Gen 8 was shit

Can you see some people are reluctant to once again put their hand on the proverbial stove?

Ukraine is filled with nazi. There’s nothing worth saving there.

>Implying that russia doesn't have now free access to deploy their shit on sea to go for murrica
based retard, stay obese and at home so murrica gets nuked and freedom dies :^^^)))

Out of all of those, only gen 6 and 8 were shit.

yeah i remember there is zoomers here, no need to tell me.

>hoenniger still believe he’s part of the good gens
>when rbe were so shit they killed pokemania
You will never be one of us.

gen 4 had hgss though

>Gen 9 is tomorrow
God, you're naive.

If Gen IX happens, how soon do we see the new Box Legendaries. Can't remember how early they revealed Crowned Zacian and Crowned Zamazenta.

We don't like it when Pokemon games are rushed because they always turn out shit. Therefore we don't really want to see a Gen 9 reveal because it would mean it will have to be rushed to meet the deadline of likely being this holiday season.

You should've called Mr. Merriku

Joe is on gen9denial camp in resertera