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Stop posting the exact same picture before every Pokemon announcement, Jew Merrick
You are cringe

Friendly reminder

I'm sorry, it's not happening. Media sites (even the small, insignificant ones) have already been informed more content is planned for PLA. I don't want more PLA myself, I wanted gen 9, so I'm disappointed, too.

Even if you disregard PLA's additional content, the signs for nothing major being announced are there.

>Only JP account keeping up with countdown
>Presents only announced by JP account
>PLA having multiple cut pokemon left over in its code
>Strange ball found, hinting at home compatibility.

It's not going to pan out if you get your hopes up like this, user, it'll only hurt more. Even just a few days ago, I had the same hopes as you, but my journo friend has been trying to lower my expectations all week, and when I finally asked her what she knew, she said "PLA isn't done, don't expect any other pokemon game to take focus away from it for some time". I was actually pretty hyped for gen 9 this year, to get a good pre-release season going, but no, not for me. What will I get instead? DLC for a game that doesn't need it.

Probably not the best place to say this, but I've been really struggling these past few months and a new gen would cheer me up immensely. I know how stupid and childish is sounds to say that, but I really need a fucking pick-me-up right now.

>Presents only announced by JP account
Literally wrong, faggot.

Attached: pokepre_2022.png (522x653, 132.29K)

What kind of 4D trolling is this? That's the 2021 presents, not tomorrow's, you dumb fuck

Good job, I hoped no one would notice it.
Seriously no fucking idea why it's not announced yet on US Twitter. What are they doing?

That unbound Hoopa is quite frightening in the game

I used to think think it's because the news isn't major or is JP specific, but the other news was announces internationally via the YT accounts for the games, specifically Masters and Unite, so I don't know now.

I got fooled lol ngl

legendfags getting scared

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I still can't believe I woke up at 5 am just for this and it wasn't today, FUCK YOUUUUUUUU

>Media sites (even the small, insignificant ones) have already been informed more content is planned for PLA.

>He wants another rushed shitty game like SwSh

>Yes, I was just pretending to be retarded to test you this whole time

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Based Jaredposter

jesus christ grow up you massive faggot

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The American twitter doesn't announce the presents because of the war. Gen 9 will be revealed tomorrow.

Does anyone have a reliable news source that says not gen 9 wont be reviled?

Source that it won't be reviled? No, because it will be, by this board.

Source it won't be revealed? No one here actually knows, if they say they do, they're full of shit.

Something to note it that journos do get press releases for news before info drops to regular folk so they can capitalize on the traffic, so if what that crybaby user said earlier has any shred of truth in it, there are people who know already.

Problem is, those people are bound by NDAs and the way it's supposed to work is that if any info comes out t and hat can be traced back to a specific site or journo, they'll get blacklisted from receiving press releases. Unfortunately, what actually happens is that whenever something Pokemon related gets leaked, they just reduce the amount of people who actually get press releases, making sure to keep the ones with more traffic in the loop, leading to smaller sites dying.

In reality, it's more likely that a random employee in a media team for a larger, high traffic site like gamespot or something is the one that leaks stuff, as a large organization wouldn't be able to trace the leak when an undoubtedly large number of people have handled the information already.