It's over, Ari. I have the high ground

It's over, Ari. I have the high ground.
Why the FUCK did they put him on such a tall chair?

Attached: TallChariSirGay.png (1536x2048, 2.57M)

Audibly keked


Fake, no way those legs could support that weight.

You thought "Staking" was for income. Oh, no no no. You stake posts in the ground to help them support more load. Sir Gay needs to lord from high above those who supply his big mac (TM) funds.

>based ari still wears a mask
I do this frequently, lots of places I’ve wanted to have a mask, especially crowded places full of poor people like airports. Also less facial recognition shit hopefully

Lmfao, kys

>I share a board with people like this

Attached: 1520808173645.png (570x641, 90.69K)

The facial recognition part is the only valid reason to wear ze mask

That pic made me sell all my Link

I love these two

facial recognition still works even when you wear a mask dipshit

Way to go. You jinxed him.

Attached: TallChairSirGayCollapse.png (1536x2048, 2.6M)

Sirgay bros...
Its over...

Attached: its over.png (400x400, 128.98K)

Who the fuck would even pick these chairs for the event?

Attached: chair.jpg (379x681, 82.87K)

Some BA degree

good new link memes are a bullish indicator. they drove much of the previous link run. sergey and ari need to build and we need to post.

Attached: 1525492305584.jpg (900x645, 158.21K)

That's fucking hilarious.

That's like some Tim and Eric bit. lmao

>bullish indicator being mentioned
>by a fellow linkie
Bobobros… I kneel…….. 10k here we come…..

Attached: AFB408C3-07A3-48B6-9C4C-957C42C22B70.jpg (200x356, 16.21K)

lemme guess. You probably live at home. Maybe in a basement? and have not had sex.

I've seen plenty of pics of Sergey walking around.

its just ms paint dude cool it down a little bit

Go ask your grandma about how much sex I've had.

Ari thinks that there are nanomachines in the air that turn you gay when you breathe them in.
He tried to convince sergay but he was too busy fucking his hr chicks to listen to poor ari.
