What happens to rent prices in a house price crash/drop?

What happens to rent prices in a house price crash/drop?

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same as tent prices and sleeping bags. skyrockets.


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Goes up.

You pay me and I’m not about to start losing money

Go lower at first (as leveraged landlords compete among themselves to increase their money flow) then goes up (as more and more people are looking to rent due to being unwilling or unable to pay a mortgage/house)

If rates go up causing prices to go down but the mortgage payment stays the same then rent will stay the same or go down in extreme cases. This is because the same amount or more people are buying instead of renting and the supply/demand is the same or more weighted in favor of renters.

This being said being a landlord is based.

If mortgage payments go down then you're going to get fucked though.

They rise.

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Good question. I live in an overpriced east coast city, and my rent has doubled in the past few moths, so I can't afford to renew my lease.

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Explain to me why you guys think rent will go up when home prices go down.

thought this pic was bull and bear touching tips

i have rent control so fuck yall fags kikes and niggers

This type of shit was never sustainable. All coastal shit is overpriced and going to crash. If you are paying more than 1% of what it costs to buy the place per month then you're overpaying on rent.

>cuz der homeowners gonna raise rent to cover their mortgages

Big companies buy everything for cheap. Raise rents for more profit with even more gusto since they own just about everything for even more profits.

I live in a high rise in a nice part of town, so owning isn't an option. I'm basically stuck here for work for now.

More demand, and desperate renters. Are you retarded, or just blind? Why would greedy landleeches miss out on a prime opportunity to wring money out of suckers who the bottom just fell out on and are staring potential homelessness in the face? If you’re foreclosed on a $2500k/mo mortgage, that doesn’t mean some merchant can’t get $1950/mo out of you even if the unit is worth half the price. You’re completing against all the other desperate skittering rats trying to tread water.

They certainly don't go down.

there is charts for historical rents...

go look and see when they drop. spoiler:they dont

>when home prices go down.
Home prices don't go down, retard.
Rates increase, sales slow, but the price isn't going down. Worst case scenario is that it stays the same for years and years. But it's not going "down". Cope with the rest of the "im waiting for the housing market to crash :)" retards.

>thought this pic was bull and bear touching tips
hmm fascinating

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People who are renting something out that they don't own outright are going to get fucked and will be liquidated.
If this happens the 4th reich will soon be upon us. Do it fgt.
You're overpaying.
Why would your mortgage rate go up if you were smart and didn't get an ARM?
That may well be true, they stay flat sometimes though.

I own 4 apartment complexes and 2 single family homes.

>You're overpaying.
Well, no shit, everyone everywhere is overpaying. Even my wagie friends who live in rural states are getting overcharged for rent by stingy Boomer landlords, and also they can't afford to own a house to due BlackRock kikery and home flippers.

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With mortgage rates rising, there'll be upwards pressure on rent prices even if house prices drop. In a neutral market, rent will relate to the cost of paying off an equivalent mortgage. That cost is a combo of house price plus interest payments.

Relief will only come if prices full on crash, or if the Fed reverses course on rates while prices hold flat like in 2020.

>rural states
There are rural cities user, not rural states. Just because you live in Wyoming doesn't mean it's rural. There's a big difference between Kansas City and Coffeyville.
Move to smalltown.

Wait a minute... I'm not OP!