/ddm/ Donna del Mondo General

Post ALK Breakup Edition

2 days until Giulia vs. Syuri for the red belt!

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=from:himeka_art ロリコン&src=typed_query&f=live

1st for ASUKA!

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Attached: SyuriSawdusted.webm (444x250, 562.18K)

Syuri's pretty eyes

Love them so much

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Worthless spam thread.

no you

twitter.com/search?q=from:himeka_art ロリコン&src=typed_query&f=live

>I'm an eternal lolicon.
>I'm becoming more and more convinced that I'm a lolicon these days.
>Only a lolicon might understand this, but the goodness that comes out of being a junior high school student is too big for me to eat.
>#I don't care how old you are as long as you're cute

Uh, what precisely did Himeka mean by this?

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Attached: TimelyAlienatedChipmunk.webm (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Giulia is an ugly wop traitor, Natsupoi is atalentless raving bitch, Syuri is a failed mutt fighter, Himeka is a giant, unsafe retard, Maika fucking sucks and is only where she is because she sucked off Michinoku, Waka is an alien, MIRAI is another traitor, Sakurai is acunt, Thekla is a treacherous ugly bitch. Fuck DDM and its fans, you all deserve to be hanged.

Jesus wtf happened to Syuri? She got walled as hell as soon as she went to Stardom.

Turns out being a greedy bitch makes you ugly on the inside and the outside. Oh btw Scardom forces all their "talent" to undergo copious amounts of plastic surgery to satiate their degenerate coomer fanbase.


why did waka show up

>Waka is an alien
based schizo insider leaking this weekend's plans

Shut up. She's beautiful.

Schizokun stepped on a lego



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