I think this is actually the best time to buy coins good coins bad coins stable coins shitcoins whats the go to DEx to...

I think this is actually the best time to buy coins good coins bad coins stable coins shitcoins whats the go to DEx to do this from ? dont fall on the mass hysteria dont FOLLOW THE HEARD

Attached: 1625854741452.jpg (600x600, 37.3K)

Uhm.. interesting, what to do?
>follow the heard
>follow an user on biz

I got a difficult choice to make

another creepy pepe

Do you know what I love about biz? The advertisings


>Best time to buy Stablecoins
You are someone very special, right?

Shit shit shit shit shit

Or maybe use your own brain, it's for free

No fuck you

I think it's the best time for you to go fuck yourself.

why are you gayfag pink?

>best time to buy
Ah right, we going to see another -90% in the next 6 weeks



I expect the worst

what are the good coins?

pink is a nice color

Right? So many single ladies in my area

>what's the go to dex?

Rango, they have good coins, bad coins, stable coins, shitcoins kek

the only whore who wanna fuck is you

or how about i go ahead and sell it. Would get full price since its basically unused

Anons getting more stupider every day

Maybe, my strong man, what are you up to?

Me too and the worse is that I don't know what is the worst? like btc 5k, 10k? I don't knowwwwwwwwwwww

How can a shitcoin got other shitcoins?

rango got stablecoins? what??

Don't give user ideas

Fucking kek are u joking or something? Its never a good time to get stablecoins. Throw ur brains in the shithole