"S&P 500 is always a bull run guyz"

It's only a "massive bull run", because they literally DELETE stocks from it that don't perform well. The entire stock market is fake.

Attached: file.png (876x637, 105.72K)

i mean yes, why would you keep shit stocks which don't perform in the index?

But you buy the index...

Point is, brainlets have the delusion if they traded those stocks they'd see the same gains.

It's like knowing the lottery numbers in advance and using them.

You can not buy and hold the index for decades.

That’s the point fucking idiot ass nigger

what? performance is not a leading indicator, they get rid of shit companies AFTER they perform like shit, you can't predict the future you retard

Shut up. You can not buy and hold the index for years, so it's all fake in the short term that people use it.

what the fuck are you on about you can hold it for as long as you are alive

You are a moron. You can not buy and hold the index for decades. The holding fees will ruin you.

It's literally like saying "holding shitcoin A + shitcoin B is great because I can delete shitcoin B whenever I want if I don't like it".

You have to pay for your "freedom" at that.

Yeah those two hundredths of a percent fees are really gonna fuck you. After fifty years it adds up to a whole one percent!

>holding fees

Attached: 3x.png (112x112, 11.46K)

It's still a fake. You'll get the gains (or losses) after a year of a certain basket of stocks.

When they delete the ones they didn't like the new graph will look good to those that didn't buy in yet but your bags will have the performance of the old stocks.

It's all a scam to get new bagholders.

i never thought about it like that

The graph of the individual indices display actual price over time you retard

pretty sure hes trolling, no human being is actually this retarded

It's literally like that. The indexes are deleting the underperforming stocks. The old bagholders will get the gains or losses of the old stocks but the graph will look better in the future.

It's all a scam to get new bagholders.

You are stupid. If you have say TSLA in the bag and then it takes a -95% hit, they're not gonna say "OH SORRY DUDE HERE'S YOUR MONEY BACK".

They'll just delete it next year so the index will look great for the new bagholders.

Sure, they remove it from their bundle, but they don't have the power to rewrite their historical price charts across all platforms. That loss remains on the books. Whatever their trickery, it's not this

He's retarded, sure but is at least on to something. He doesn't know how to explain why active portfolio management is better than ETFs if your ETF is comprised of mostly overinflated trash.

But the meme is that the ETF is supposedly better than investing "manually".

that is the case though, active money managers always lose out to just buying indices brainlessly

If that meme were true, how can the index itself be "better". It's literal money managers that conjure it up.

I mean, not always, just usually. And to be fair to them, a big chunk of why they perform worse isn't necessarily that they pick wrong, but that their fees are so much higher it wipes out their comparative advantage.
Stocks are a zero sum game. Playing by yourself is hard because you don't have all the tools the pros do. Giving your money to a pro sucks, because they charge too much. Thus, for many people, the best returns come from just riding the gradual influx of money from new players entering the market.

depends on which one you're talking about, yes spy is chosen by a committee of people based on some random shit but the russell 1000 is "algorithmic" for example