Is the hype dying?

is the hype dying?

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No. PLA is the turning point for this franchise.

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is that critic score or user

People usually stop giving a shit about new games after a few weeks now.

I love the game but now that I've completed the dex there's no reason to keep playing. I will absolutely buy the DLC though and any future game like this.
I absolutely will not buy any old timey pokemon. The old formula is dead as far as I'm concerned.

not as long as coomer art keeps piling in

>game comes out
>people play and enjoy it
>beat the game
>don’t play it over and over again forever and instead move on with their lives and do other things
>maybe revisit it after a year or two for another playthrough
I know you don’t understand that this doesn’t make the game a failure because you yourself are one and incapable of seeing it

Is that the diarrhea marsh?

The autists here including myself have plowed through everything and are just waiting for more.
I logged 100 hours. Fucking can't wait for DLC. Til then I'm done, I hunted a full box of shinies, completed research 10 on everything, caught arceus, I did it. I won.
Great game.



I already got 150+ hours from it
I'll wait for DLC
Pretty fun game

Average between them (with user score x10 as that's a 10-point system vs. 100 for critic)

God gen 5 really was the beginning of the end.

Then why isn't PLA 83?

Last gen I bought until PLA. I'll wait 10 years until the next time, maybe it'll finally be good again. Maybe.

>same score as XY
How the fuck was XY that high

>how the fuck was game that's the same as previous game but better in every way so high

>the 2nd beginning of the end

>>how the fuck was game that's the same as previous game but better in every way so high
Sun and Moon came out after XY, not before it.

I made it before PLA's score was finalised.


>scale goes from 60 to 100
I'm starting to believe you're a game journalist yourself.