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You know full well bitcoin and all those shitcoins will go lower when the fed announces the hike rates
nobody will trust us afterwards

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>all ive ever wanted to do is shill shitcoins :'(

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Sell it all, today.

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Is that even possible Sergey?

Yes, but at what loss?

People wanna live like this in their cars and big fuckin' houses they can't even pay for. The only reason that they all get to continue living like kings is cause we got our fingers on the scales in their favor. I take my hand off and then the whole world gets really fuckin' fair really fuckin' quickly and nobody actually wants that. They say they do but they don't. They want what we have to give them but they also wanna, you know, play innocent and pretend they have no idea where it came from. Well, thats more hypocrisy than I'm willing to swallow, so fuck 'em.
Fuck normies.

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The maxis and the mETH head are not seeing the cliff ahead.
BTC and ETH are the most used as collaterals on lending platforms who are now bankrupt, they will have to liquidate billions worth of BTC and ETH.
All at the same time with no circuit breakers.
And they haven't even started selling yet!
If BTC and ETH hodlers don't jump into a boring coin asap they will get ass raped like never before in the last 13 years.
They have forgotten the number one rule of life:
>Don't ever fall in love with a prostitute

I know, but can you stop please?

I'll have to pay it.

I love this movie + the big short. Anyone got any other good finance related movies?

>no circuit breakers
those are used on Solana every week

So you think we might have put a few people out of business today. That its all for naught. And if this is all for naught then so is everything out there.
Its just money; its made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat. It's not wrong. And it's certainly no different today than its ever been. 1637, 1797, 1819, 37, 57, 84, 1901, 07, 29, 1937, 1974, 1987, 92, 97, 2000, 2008, 2020-Jesus, didn't that fuck up me up good, and whatever we want to call this. It's all just the same thing over and over; we can't help ourselves. And you and I can't control it, or stop it, or even slow it. Or even ever-so-slightly alter it. We just react. And we make a lot money if we get it right. And we get left by the side of the side of the road if we get it wrong. And there have always been and there always will be the same percentage of winners and losers. Happy foxes and sad sacks. Fat cats and starving dogs in this world. Yeah, there may be more of us today than there's ever been. But the percentages-they stay exactly the same.

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Why was this guy such an asshole?

kek. I love Margin Call posting. Best content on this board right now.

Pareto is a bitch

Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross are the best

The Big Short is full of reddit tier humor. Margin Call is the best finance movie by far. All the other finance movies are pretty bad, i guess Wallstreet is ok.

XOXO - Gossip Girl

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i havent seen any but there might be. people are too dumb for financial movies. they made the big short normie friendly because they put stupid scenes like the "shake ya money maker" montage in to cue normies to know what just happened in the previous scene was good or cool.