On February 14th 2022, asagi archival of all posts on the nyafuu.org archive will stop...

>On February 14th 2022, asagi archival of all posts on the nyafuu.org archive will stop. The archive will remain in stasis for the remainder of the month with tentative gradual redirections to another archive that has already received image data and databases to effectively continue nyafuu.org's archival.

>If you need a reason, its a simple case that the time and resources spent in maintaining this archive has outweighed interest and motivation to continue maintaining. Its neither a cheap or gratifying task by any stretch. It was fun for the decade it lasted, but we would rather move on than to let my waning motivation result in yet another loss of data from negligence.

>We're putting this up here just to make anyone aware who has any manner of interest and in lieu of individually seeking out the myriad of continually changing people maintaining services related to the Any Forums archives. That is all.

Attached: file.png (1440x593, 359.48K)

too bad but then again imagine spending 10 years of your life and a big chunk of money saving millions of shitposts FOR FREE
I'm not sad. I'm not mad. I just feel bad for him

Can't blame them. There hasn't been a single interesting post on this hellhole since Gen 6 and everything after that is just desperate shills and YouTubers trying to get a piece of the pie.

Sigh sad news.
I had a lot of old gems out of that archive.

the writing is on the walls

at least there's still arch.b4k, but that one doesn't let you search Any Forums archives

Not my problem.




It says there is a new one right, so who cares.

Oh shit. What do now?

a sad day

>with tentative gradual redirections to another archive that has already received image data and databases to effectively continue nyafuu.org's archival.
so a nothingburger then

Archives ruined the ephemeral nature of Any Forums. Prove me wrong

Only partially true. Redditors and the like still ruined it by turning 90% of threads into rehashes because their NPC minds can't do anything creative, and they're also eager to screencap funny posts to earn epic karma outside of Any Forums

They're useful for finding posts that were deleted for no valid reason because "a moderator didn't like it".

Arcana doesn't let you search Any Forums yet

As long as this pisses people off that were using it to stash porn and "Get away with it" Im going to count this as a win.

based fuck coomers

Fuck off and die you dont belong on this site you stupid fucks.

Blue board is a blue board, user. We worked hard to ruin for people back when the place was new.

I can still remember people using this place to plot against the mods and shit, was legit a great laugh.

Let me guess, totally not a discord sister