Would Gen 9 be good if GF spends more development time on it? Like if it was released for Q4 2023 or early 2024...

Would Gen 9 be good if GF spends more development time on it? Like if it was released for Q4 2023 or early 2024? I know you don’t want it to be rushed.

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>Would Gen 9 be good if GF spends more development time on it?
at least it would have a better chance
>Like if it was released for Q4 2023 or early 2024?
i would give even more time
>I know you don’t want it to be rushed.
but it's not gonna happen :(

I'd like to believe that it won't be rushed, but considering their recent track record, it doesn't seem very likely. :<

SwSH were 2019, BDSP were 2021, and PLA was 2022

Attached: 4345355435.png (522x127, 55.16K)

>wanting a rushed Gen X
Nah, Gen IX this year means they can take their time with the 30th anniversary celebration game, instead of rushing/crunching to get it out in '26 (remember, they fucked out a rehash, to make sure they launched in the 20th anniversary year, they aren't going to want to willingly is Gen X in 26, even if you wets want them to).
It's like you forgot they have a schedule they work on which doesn't need to consider 20-something obsessed retards like (You).

SS's rehash was 2020 too, don't forget.

It’s coming in 2024 according to sources

>no actual evidence of "source" saying this

Fuck yes. PLA is unpolished, ugly garbage, if they do what they always try to do and put PLA mechanics into gen 9 it'll be even more rushed shit. They need Starfield's development time to make an acceptable game, let alone a truly good game

No it isn't, quit spamming this shit, faggot. Don't bother with your asanine "the leaker said but be won't tweet it, because people will get mad" bullshit, either, no one's going to fall for it.

But most people are saying it so it must be true???

I hope this is sarcasm, please don't be that retarded.

People must say it for a reason?

Yes they are saying it because there is a private message going around the leaker said 2024

Obviously. But time is money and GF is a small budget indie studio.

How long do you need

More time? Masuda wasn't on IoA and CT. He wasn't on BDSP. He wasn't on PLA.
I hope he is working on Gen9 for years now.

Legends proved that Game Freak is capable of making decent Pokmeon games as long as Masuda and Ohmori have no involvement. Ohmori is directing the Gen 9 games, so no matter how much time it is in development it will turn out like shit.

>no screenshot of said private message
>despite the world being made up of people, who are fickle and untrustworthy
Occam's razor says this blatantly isn't the case, else SOMEONE would have posted it to the internet proper by now (remember, the portuguese reviewer whoo got sacked for leaking SS originally DIDN'T leak it to the wider internet, but a private discord, where some retard reposted them to the world).

He hasn't directed a core game since 2018 user. He even said himself that's the last game he will direct as lead (he was executive director on BDSP, basically reviewing the whos and making sure the story beats from DP got repeated to ensure Legends fit properly into the series).

People are saying it because of retards like using the same tired lie. No such message exists, because if it did, someone would have posted it here by now to give it credibility. It's total bullshit, and cannot be proved otherwise.

No, no, le rushed is a fucking meme

I’m not saying it’s true but they must have some source?

>they must have some source?
Do you think you're only pretending to be retarded?

You must be if you think there is announcement this year. Where is your proof?!

Neither of us is claiming that gen 9 is happening this year, but you, the faggot that you are, can't see that. Just because a bunch of people are claiming that gen 9 is delayed to 2024 doesn't mean it's true, not unless they provide proof, which they won't, because there isn't any. Stop being a troll or kill yourself, you insufferable little prick.

I’m not even baiting. I do believe it’s coming out in 2024 regardless if it’s true or not. Yes there isn’t any proof, but guess what? It’s more believable than anything you believe. You should cope more since you are upset its not coming this year.