Gen 2 was better than 1

Gen 2 was better than 1
Gen 3 was better than 2
But Gen 4 wasn't better than Gen 3
Gen 5 was better than 4

This makes Gen 4 the only gen out of the "classic era" that didn't eclipse its preceding generation

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>Gen 3 was better than 2
Retard but yeah I agree that Gen 4 is the most overrated

I guess this confirms Gen IV is best.


>Gen 3 was better than 2.

HAHAHA Good one!

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Honestly you don't know how good you had it. Gen 3 brought so much good shit to the table between abilities, double battles, natures, Secret Bases, contests, ribbons,
and the sheer size of Hoenn with its many good dungeons that have unique themes and mechanics instead of being generic caves. The inability to transfer from GSC was very unfortunate but at least a consequence of the data structure overhaul that future-proofed transfers instead of just being laziness like in Gen 8. To disregard it all just because of no day/night cycle is awful.

>classic era
No such thing dumb frog. Stop putting your zoomer filth near my kinomon

Don't get me wrong, Gen 3 is my second favorite after Gen 2 and I love what it did.

I miss when Hoennfags were too young to post here.

Sinnoh seethe thread nr. 12342134234

rare smart frogposter

>To disregard it all just because of no day/night cycle is awful.
And many other things user. It's just not as good and starts the completely terrible legendary plots that plague the franchise even now.
It's also the first gen to actively cut a bunch of features for no conceivable reason and took you actual years to even complete the pokedex.

>and took you actual years to even complete the pokedex
Good. Completing the National Dex shouldn't be a realistic goal for the average player. It should be something that only highly dedicated fanatics and nutcases manage.

>It should be something that only highly dedicated fanatics and nutcases manage.
And it should be possible when you release your first set of games.
Yes, being able to obtain all the pokemon coded in is a must (barring the event legends one).

Gen 2 was better than 1
Gen 3 was a sidestep from 2
But I agree that Gen 4 is the first clear downgrade and objectively soulless generation

No. Transfer exclusives are a great way to make some Pokémon more rare and special to have. Like how you can only get Regigigas in DPPt if you transfer the Regi trio from RSE.

Gen 3 was the best 2D game, based.

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>Gen 3 was better than 2

>Gen 3 was better than 2
Been a while since I've seen such a correct post in this board.

Gen 3 was the first time GF actively removed features from the previous games.

As someone who think RSE are the best games in the series, they’re more of a side grade from gen 2. I go back and forth in which is better

Good, not mindlessly caring over every feature From the previous games in the series was definitive proof that Masuda could make it as mainline director for a while. He had a vision and no that vision wasn’t “Le epic gold and silver + more stuff!” Like gen 2 was for gen 1