

Attached: 1616337233879.jpg (703x429, 66.67K)

>We'll solve the problem of Dragon-type being overpowered by adding another overpowered type

One of the best additions to the series.

Attached: Valerie.jpg (516x727, 110.62K)

>new type
>exists in PLA

based and fairypilled

Attached: mina.png (233x208, 132.67K)

Steelchads can't stop winning

who asked for those two come back in SM again

*lights a tiny match in your general direction

>Switches into a different Pokemon that forces you out
>You have to lose another 25% to sneaky pebbles

Fairy types should resist dragon not have an immunity against it.

fairy isn't resisted by only one type

>lose resistance to dark types

>still the best defensive type by far

Sneaky pebbles are gone after pla
Compchudceltrannyracists lost

Me, now cry bitch.

Fairy type changed the game but why didn’t they make Pokémon like Snorlax and Dragonite fairy?

Fairy should be weak to bug

Because they aren't negative iq retards like you are.

Did it just like naturally evolve or something? I thought it was just a multiverse thing they could very feasibly use that as an excuse to retcon just about whatever.

fuck you user

don't act like pokemon isn't full of absolutely retarded mistakes in world building and setting
>we don't know where pokemon come from, literally nobody in the history of civilization has seen a pokemon LAY AN EGG BEFORE
>also these eggs only hatch when with trainers, figure that one out lmao
>also evolution is apparently not well understood even though pokemon do it all the fucking time
>we need someone to fill out his pokedex! we can't give you info on a pokemon until you catch it! which means all the pokedex entries already exist, but you don't get to see them for some reason.
>you need gym badges in order to get between cities, but if you happen to be born in a city only accessible with a badge you can't possibly get, lmao get fucked kid