Keep seething it

The church of Dunkey has spoken.
Pokemon Legends is fun and worth every cent.

Doomerchuds BTFO yet again.

Attached: 1627997047543.png (316x315, 148.24K)

Who cares about Youtubers.
They all circle jerk each other for views because they wouldn't get views naturally without clout chasing due to Youtube censoring their content.
It's like Hollywood but online.

Keep saying it

Ultimately BTFO

I prefer penguin0's 6/10 score

We need an e-celeb containment board.

He's a reaction streamer, not a gamer



Keep saying it

dunkey is a faggot

i hate this faggots content

i have no respect for this faggots content

fuck off Any Forums

and dunky is a faggot

you could have just said simps for a faggot

someone post the video
you know the one


Attached: 1644226009813.jpg (631x613, 73.72K)

Most obvious samefag in Any Forums history.

>worth every cent
He still has shat on some elements and for good reasons. I like the game but let's be honest, the tutorial is dragging making no sense it got 50 from some dumbass reviewer saying there weren't enough tutorials when it's already so fucking present and the overly dragging/dialogue heavy story with a safe and simple plot, like in the mainline games, is a really bad habit they got and it's not a good thing they didn't even try to stray from it.
Trying to convice dommers won't do you any good, you could have God suddenly existing and coming down on Earth to say PLA is the best Pokémon game objectively, they would still refute it because it's their opinion and it's ok for them to have one differing from ours. What's not ok is anyone being a blind dumbass hater/lover and trying to hamster their way into convincing themselves everything they love/hate is objectively perfect/the worse when it can't ever be since these are subjective notions.

stop trying to make sense on this board, we are here to be dumbasses cooming looking at drawings

Because Youtubers always have good opinions

I like the game and now I almost want to hate it because of this obnoxious faggot zoomermagnet.