Is breeding dogs a good side hustle? If you can even call it that. Can't you just get a male and female dog...

Is breeding dogs a good side hustle? If you can even call it that. Can't you just get a male and female dog, of the same breed so you don't make ugly mutts, don't get them fixed, treat them as your pet like you normally would except you let them fuck? A female dog can have 20 litters in her lifetime, on average 5 puppies per litter, that's on average 100 puppies that you sell for $100k each over the span of around 11 years. With very little upfront and operating costs, just buying the original 2 dogs and feeding them. Cats would be even cheaper as they eat much less and based breeds like British short hairs usually get sold around $2k each.

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>Is breeding dogs a good side hustle?
Its knot hurts your asshole

I've been stacking dogs for years and they just end up fighting

You have to make sure they have good genetics, ample good quality food, and veterinary care if you are ethical. Otherwise you can just shit out puppies and kill the ones who are not selling/poor quality.

yes, they are a good store of value + they are edible

>kill the ones who are not selling/poor quality
You don't even have to do this. Just sell them to the local chink restaurant

How about kill yourself

I think you're thinking of Russians. Chinks don't eat dogs anymore.

Just realizing I typed this wrong, meant to say sell for $1k each totalling around $100k on the female's lifetime


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Spawning more unwanted dogs into the world for meager profit is an easy way to book your ticket to hell. Think about how worthless USD is on its own right now and then compare it to how much your soul is worth.

If you've got space to breed anything, breed rabbits. They're cheap as hell to keep and maintain, they breed like, well, rabbits, and you can do pretty much whatever you want with them. Use them as a cheap food source, sell them as pets, plug people's tailpipes with them for keks, literally whatever and it will cost you basically nothing.

No, puppy breeding is nigger tier trash.

Tons of effort and peope dont buy dogs from gross men who live with their parents. Thats not a put down its just that the people with the lifestyle to buy dogs in current year will go with already established breeders every time

Man, you're fucking dumb.

Buy 50 cages in an apartment and start breeding them.
((They)) fear the indoor chinese dog breeder.

I saw a vice documentary about low class niggers in the UK who make a living stealing those fancy dogs from people, and apparently its very low risk and doesnt get you a lot of time.
Some of those dogs sell for 5-20k

enslaving any animal and then force breeding them is trash tier morality (includes livestock), people who buy them (whether butchered flesh or alive) are trash too

My girly shelter dog is spoiled and happy. And big.

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Piss off. Youre the type that says to "adopt" them without mentioning they're pound dogs and are likely vicious. Only types i ever see screaming this are from reddit.

t. All pets were never from a pound. Either intially wild or from a breeder

>enslaving any animal and then force breeding them is trash tier morality (includes livestock), people who buy them (whether butchered flesh or alive) are trash too

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They most certainly do, open your eyes, tons of recent evidence online.

If you’re really looking to breed, you’ll need to go the AKC registration route to get the big bucks on your litters. You’ll have to do a lot of initial veterinary care for them, which will add up in cost, so it won’t be as profitable as you’re thinking.

You’ll also want to get a solid male and female with good family history and genetics. In my opinion, this is not a side hustle, rather a full time job and one that requires too commitment for the animal’s well-being. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to contact a breeder of a breed you’re interested in that is ALC verified and registered so you can see what the full process looks like from the best of the best.

Above all else, don’t be a nigger and be a puppy mill breeder. If you’re gonna do it, do it right.

No idea on the money making but wow a lot of the anons are like those redditors that absolutely despise breeders even though those dogs feel safer than those from pounds. I suspect it means it can make good money.

hello r*ddit

I started a thread about breeding fish, reptiles and amphibians and getting them imported and exported a while back. Unless you genuinely enjoy what youre doing and have knowledge and time to do it. Id say its a good side hustle. Think, large clutches, high ticket products, and minimal care costs when you know how to manage your utilities and feed. For dogs Im not too sure but Id say your care costs would be higher and it be A LOT more time consuming than just a side hustle cause dogs need your attention, and of course large vet bills too.

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Incredible joke, I'm so glad you imitated reddit lingo for the 20310359103249th time, this really is as funny as it was the first time


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You hate it so much it makes me suspect it may be a worthwhile endeavour. A nice docile breed that the upper classes love sounds like a good idea. No intent of breeding pit bulls which is probably what you like

Kek. Those people really annoy me. They usually seem to be redditors too. Seems to me people outside of reddit use breeders otherwise theyir hatred and continued fight against it has failed for over a decade.

I just hate the double standards for pet animals. Plenty of pigs and cattle smarter than dogs. But people still put them on a pedestal, going as far as making arbitrary laws against eating them.