I work in a crypto company

I work in a crypto company

An exceptional all-hands meeting has been scheduled in 5 hours

What am I in for bros?

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a layoff

Same here

Told my wife I'll probably be out of a job soon

Should I get into web3? I feel like they make a lot of money

mass murder-suicide

You live in your parents basement and jerk off in your socks all day

Make sure your CV is up to date

dont show up

You're a lucky guy user. The women will go all-hands on your penis.

the big players are going to dump their btc holdings and short btc as well, and at the same time buy LUNC

With the burning tax now active, the whales will make the most profit in the history of crypto with LUNC


Only because of market saturation. Byild your skills, 40% of ppl will be out of jobs soon.

Only countries that will survive are oil rich countries not tethered to western globohomo

a nice staff lunch with pizza and cool-aide
drink deep.

Bump and follow up with the good news assuming this isn't a LARP

I'm an engineer. HR roasties and product managers should be wiped out before us right?

no you're all getting booted user do you know how fucking bad this crash is kek

You are fucked bro. Thanks for playing

Yes they should but HR roasties have been sucking off the higher ups so it seems you will be first

Eh buddy my convenience store is hiring but you start at minimum wage ($7.25)

Most likely you’ll see some people in every department go.


Don't drink the Kool aid. When they offer it run.

You guys are tards.
The USA fud is hilarious.
The USA is literally the Jews promised land.
90% of them live in the USA.
The USA spent almost 100 years (by the end of it) using up all the resources of the world and getting it ALL FOR FREE.
The USA will come out smelling like roses relative to the shitshow the entire rest of the world will be.

If you aren't living in the rural midwest yet, what the fuck are you doing?

So what I’m hearing you say is that they will flood the US will “food refugees” destroying it from within

>HR roasties and product managers should be wiped out before us right?

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Ask Elon Musk.

Attached: what if elon musk ruled the world.png (880x945, 1.01M)

>implying the billionaires will favor you over their friend's cousin's niece

>doesn't know who makes the layoff decisions

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