What do you want from a Switch Pokémon Stadium game?

What do you want from a Switch Pokémon Stadium game?

I hope that the tumor mill is correct and we're getting a Stadium game for Switch that connects to Home. What features would you want in it?
Things that would be nice
>Ability to set my own rules/time limit on battles.
>Return of 3v3 battles
>Direct connection to Home. No need to fuss with apps

Things that are needed so the game actually has content and can be sold to John Casual to prevent it from flopping.
>Rental Pokemon
>QR code team scan feature like in SwSh
>Mini games
>In game challenges like the various cups and Gym Leader Towers
>Add in something like the PWT
>Lots and lots of unlockable (and buyable) customization options for your trainer avatar. (Maybe some Gatcha element?)

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I think because gen won’t be released until 2024 we will get a great stadium too.

I’m honestly expecting a lot since they would be released on switch. Hopefully amazing graphics.

more of a standalone game experience like Stadium than PBR

We already talked about this to death you newfag retard. A game like this can't ever work for TPC/Nintendo in current days. Online Battles are a part of the mainline experience now. This would just be a flop and setting a pile of cash on fire, no casual would buy this. It aint Pokemania anymore.

All pokemon usable, no exceptions, with a direct connection to home.
Gym Leader Castle returns but there's one for every generation of pokemon games
Stadium mode has trainers from across the series like gen 5's PWT
Ability to make your own stadium cup with it's own rules.
Rerwards that can be transferred to your main games
Some form of super training to replace minigames.
A mode that allows you to earn EXP and EVs for your HOME Pokemon

I don’t think this is happening it has no real reason to exist.

>This fag again.

no gimmicks

it will if they're really insistent on not having every pokemon in a mainline adventure anymore

Not as of yet, but of future titles are going to be more like PLA without online battles then a central battling hub game would be great.

>We already talked about this to death you newfag retard.
This has always been a cocksucky way to try to end a thread

It should be the hub for ranked PvP and VGC with freedom to customize your teams as long as you have acquired the mons and items in Home. Make it free to play with a paid battle pass that gives you cosmetics, shinies, etc. Also bring back Ted Lewis or Rodger Parsons as the announcer.

Why? I am correct.

basically showdown but with actual graphics+minigames+no pedophile moderators+free to play switch and mobile versions (like unite)

>Online Battles are a part of the mainline experience now.
Did you forget the mainline game that just released with no online battles?

As long as it's handled by another company who can actually do graphics and compfag pandering stops hindering the mainline games I'm all in. But there's no way this is happening.

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>Did you forget the mainline game that just released with no online battles?

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PLA is mainline. Cope smogontranny.

mainline pokemon games have the Gym/E4 structure+online battles. this does not. it is about as mainline as mystery dungeon
>b-bu then alola isn't mainline!!
Trials/totems replace gyms. there's still an e4 and the general structure is the some.

you are a spinoff, not on the same second level citizen as PPL or Conquest but higher than GO

He /threads himself. He's a faggot.

Mainline pokemon games are those that GF decides are mainline pokemon games. Which Legends Arceus is.

>Gens 1, 2, and 3 didn't have online battles either. Cope.
Online wasn't a thing in those days lil' zoomzoom. You could still battle your friends, which you can't in PLA.
PLA isn't mainline.

>made by GameFreak
nta, but then is BDSP a spinoff and non-canon?

>Gym/E4 structure
Star rankings and noble Pokemon replace gyms.
>+online battles.
Gens 1, 2, and 3 didn't have online battles either. Cope.
>made by GameFreak
Pick one and only one.

That’s not going to happen, Pokemon battles are too central to the experience. PLA is an experiment in 3d level design, I wouldn’t expect the Pokemon Go checklists and catching without battling to carry into new games but consumables and the 3d space probably will.