Why the fuck is litecoin more attacked for its privacy than fucking monero?

why the fuck is litecoin more attacked for its privacy than fucking monero?
privacy on litecoin is optional not the default like it is on monero, yet it's getting delisted from korea and now binance.
also, bullish?

Attached: Capture.jpg (596x186, 21.27K)

Zoomers will repent
Lite knights will prevail

i certainly hope so

They won't support MWEB as anticipated and that's why litecoin dev made it optional in the first place.

tldr: you can't read or just pretend you can't because binance did not delist.

Because it is not a real privacy if it is optional. They do not support it simply because they CAN. With Monero they can't opt-out, so they allow it.
I've been trying to explain this to people, but nobody listens. Why do you think your browser download picture from Mongolian forum with ecryption like it is some secret? Because you either go full privacy or none. No partial solutions.

Bullish, Litecoin is really cheap right now too, I picked up some more but I'm waiting until the real bottom before I really load up

>"Well will not accept any more [insert shitcoin #384734] on our very serious and professional protocol MimbleWimble PoopyDoopy.

Any Forums will greatly improve in posting quality once bitcoin reaches below 10k and 90% of shitcoiners take the easy way out

>LTC -> mwLTC -> binance
is not okay, but
>LTC -> mwLTC -> LTC -> binance
*is* okay?

"MimbleWimble". Seriously? Why the fuck is everything in crypto so fucking stupid sounding

Imagine explaining this to a huge fund and having to spit “mimblewimble” out of your fucking mouth kek

yes sweaty

It's because Monero is traceable and Litecoin private tx's are not. Simple as

people still use litecoin?

believe the exchanges have a way to monitor XMR TXs. they will not allow shielded ZEC, or MW LTC, but completely okay with XMR? something’s off here

Holy shit youre stupid.

So they still support LTC, got it

if big boys are trying to ban something you know it's good. might need to get some ltc as well.
ltc is more easily available than xmr but that might change because they implemented mw.


It is still listed - but they do not support receiving funds that use the privacy protocol OPTION, nor sending funds using the same.

Yeah but dont tell the xmr bros
oh shit they're here

Which is why exchanges list XMR