My gf costs me 2k - 3k a month

Vacations, presents, helping her with stuff. But now is the time to start slurping.

How do I tell her for 18 months no money to her? Or at least just 1k per month. At 10x not paying her shit means half a million in profits by 2027 and more than a million by 2030 lost.

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thats funny i spend maybe $100-$200 on my gf, we usually split everything.

this is bait

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She’s a bitchy model and I am a well earning finance guy. 2-3k is low.

Swear to God, I am telling the truth. Either I break up with her or lower the monthly costs.

Your gf costs me 2-3k a month too.

t. only-fans simp

I'll take her off your hands for 18 months if she bears me 2 children in that time. I calculate that's enough time for 2 gestation periods.

She'll leave soon enough.
My gf gave me 8k last month... and cooks and cleans.

uhmm, nope, she is on tiktok and insta only

Pradeep, you don't hqve a girlfriend, stop lying.

why 8k?

you realize you're a cuck if you spend that much though on a girl, i never in my life would spend that kind of money, i make $4000 a month, i'm not a rich man but i think you're being taken advantage of. Relationships should be equal, she should spoil you too, you're with a child and treating her like a child. This is your problem. You'll probably never learn, just cause we have money to blow doesn't mean we should.

Be a leader and keep her in check (while potentially losing the relationship altogether) or miss out on GAINS.

Your choice user.

You have a whore, not a GF

We split food 50:50 but I weigh twice as much as that little slut. So she's actually spending money on me. I fuck her in return

that is my gf in pic related

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If your present situation is cheaper than the situation where your GF leaves you then you know that you have it good

> he think "slurping" his gf is cutting off her money rather than making her into a degraded fuckpig

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thanks boyz, so I guess I break up. Honestly, the money I spend on her really hurts. Every time crypto crashes I think “damn, soon I can slurp like mad” but I lost 15k on my gf since I met her in December. I only got 80k to slurp now.


dudes who get married spend 50% dint listen to these fools

Why don't you tell her to ask her manager for money next time she goes to fuck him?

Men like you should be exterminated

I mean you don't have to break up. There is a risk of her breaking up with you to maintain her lifestyle. But either way, you need to put your foot down and be a leader. Lay down your intentions and goals and tell her to get with the program.