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Is there any public sources of data on corporate bond valuations that update regularly?

Its doing the opposite of rugging though. Its mooning :D

yield mooning=existing bonds rugging

yield up -> prices down


BTC 300K EOY 2023
ETH 20K EOY 2023
LTC 2K EOY 2023
XMR 7K EOY 2023
LINK 1000 EOY 2023

We are all gonna make it.

no fun nerds

What is a recession/depression going to look like now with a greater wealth disparity and increased inflation… when you’ve got every other boomer owning multiple properties, driving a Tesla/Mustang, going on cruises, and having specialist medical care subsides. While young people struggle to find work and have to decide between eating anything other than g0ysl0p or defaulting on mortgages. There are greater disparities in other groups yes, but this will be a very visible one. I think there will be advertising campaigns telling young people to work harder and shoulder responsibility (accept tough times) like the last generation did.

Housing is going to nuke harder than 2008 and no one expects it

>Treasures might preform better than realestate investing soon

My body is not ready.


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lol, no, rents are going up so yield on houses is going up plus inventory is at an all time low.

This is why keynsians are seething unlike 2008 inflation is now happening on things that would get them guillotined if it becomes too long.

Only real solution will be a controlled wage spiral / ycc, but those depending on us foood outside of burgerland will probably suffer a lot.

>inventory is at an all time low.
Old news

I bought in summer 2019, am I safe? It was probably a few months after I bought I started noticing " holy shit house prices are going up"

Have a quarter million in dollars ready for a house. Stop it, user, I can only get so erect.

If you live in it you're fine. If you're Blackstone you'll probably dump RE for treasures. It just means to an investor RE is a less attractive investment vs Treasures.

it's really funny that stocks and treasury bond funds have both declined hard in 2022. funny because they were inversely correlated for 39 years, causing 3x stock-bond rebalanced quarterly portfolios like 55/45 UPRO/TMF to become hugely popular in 2019, only for those portfolios to fail 2 years later.

a strategy would have beaten the index for 39 years, people finally start using it, and it fails 2 years after they start. dont chase past winners if they involved either leverage (upro/tmf) or hype (arkk)

I think a lot of inventory will open up when no one has jobs and all the heloc and flipper assholes start having to pay lots of money to hold their investment properties

As long as your income is stable and you're not already house poor you're fine. Inflation is going to fucking hurt and you may have to tighten your belt and you may have to have a few years of your house underwater...buuuut as long as you have stable income and you're not already stretched thin now you should make it.

>inflation at 8%
>3.2% yield
Isn't that a guaranteed loss? Why would anyone buy such a bond?

a housing crash would be so weird because of the number of people waiting with cash on the sidelines. idk what it would even look like

>rents are going up so houses are going up and inventory is at an all time low
>all while people can barely afford costs of living and hires are starting to freeze

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That cash is going to start drying up with the cost of everything amd lay offs.

>Us is collapsing
>buy usd

people dont buy bonds for moonshots at getting rich. theyre already financially secure and want to protect their retirement money.

and it's better to be at +3% in nominal terms than -64%. especially if its your retirement fund and youre in your 50s or 60s. you wouldnt be able to sleep watching it go up or down by 60%

The great depression had overproduction retard, not scarcity, it was the opposite of what currently is going on.

The us had massive housing construction and massive industrial overproduction before the 1929 crash, the crash happened because there were so much houses, cars, electrodomestics and other stuff that factories had to close due to lack of demand which caused a negative loop.

i agree but i still see daily threads about having 250k ready for the impeding housing crash.

you're right that its really tricky to hold that in cash for more than a year. maybe people will start buying short term bonds with their planned down payment money

Blackrock going bankrupt and millions of foreclosures from ARM loans is what it would look like… while banks foreclose and those “cash buyers” get to wait for their FDIC to pay their money back… except they didn’t read the fine print that says the insurance company has 100 years to pay back their lost accounts

Soon only losing 4.8% a year will be an attractive investment

Why not buy TIPS then? Isn't the yield roughly equal to inflation?

was shitbond user right?

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>That cash is going to start drying up
the jew fears the DEEN hoarder

lol the crypto market is crashing.

There was one piece of supply that got fucked.. the dust bowl caused millions of farms to go bust over night

They will make you only accept digital crypto soon to buy a house. XRP.

The great reset is here.

Poor and hungry tyrone gonna murder boomers and forcibly take over their house.

It will be awesome.

and who's gonna be able to afford those rents, user?

>tyrone, carlos and billybob decides to just not pay and force you 6months + eviction
>they destroy your place out of anger at the end
>repeat a few million times due to economy being down the shitter


Based archivist

They will probably force people to digital currency (XRP). Great reset is here. Cash will be gone soon. Klaus: You will own nothing and be happy.

It will also make homelessness and vagrancy skyrocket. If rent is so high you can't afford it why work full time to be homeless when you can be homeless for free?