The japs want Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara to compete in BOSJ

>the japs want Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara to compete in BOSJ

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You'll get Simpact wrestlers like Austin Ace and YOU WILL LIKE IT JAMAL

>the japs
>posts one jap
What did xe mean by that?

They're 100% not getting that. The most for a guest will be El Lindaman and maybe Dragon Lee if they call him

>one guy

It's better than Sammy and his no selling.

i don't think they'll get Lindaman, doubt GLEAT would want him doing any jobs while wearing their belt

It's New Japan and it's a round robin tournament. I doubt they care that much as long as the New Japan rub is there

Just close the forbidden door and keep it shut. These young pillars got furniture they need to crash thru every Wednesday night, it sure as hell ain’t worth sending them over to Japan just to see an occasional 70 year old smarktastic “legend” get pushed around by Jon Moxley

Nice try dronie.

Darby vs Takahashi gonna be litty fr fr

was literally just thinking that

darby would draw major female yen

It’ll be the same lineup as last year plus Ryu Lee and Speedball Bailey.

>Sammy Guevara player
no thank you
>Darby Allin player

People on twitter is not the people buying tickets.

>No selling
He will fit like a globe in NJPW then

Could Sammy and Darby survive working a tournament schedule? They kill themselves every match, they can't wrestle without it. It's their whole style.

You gotta work a lot of long matches in a BSOJ and a G1 and then multi-man tags in between. And Sammy and Darby would probably even sawdust themselves in the tags, kek. They'd probably both die or get paralyzed.

they probably would get laughed out


Sammy used to work AAA

90% of the NJPW audience is fujos there to look at pretty men. Twinks like Darby and Sammy would be over in a big way, trust me my man

Most non-main event matches in BoSJ are like 8-12 minutes. Neither of those guys would even get main event matches, unless it was a VOD show against someone like Hiromu.

I can understand wanting Darby cause he's dimes but fucking Sammy Guevara no selling ass? lol no I get triggered whenever his ass has a match cause i know he's gonna take a bunch of moves that are finishers and get up like they didn't do shit

Based Spanish God workin' ya