Doesn't out himself as the main antagonist until the very end of the game

>doesn't out himself as the main antagonist until the very end of the game
>exposition dumps the entire plot there and then
First Rose, now this faggot. Game Freak cannot be bothered to write a proper antagonist any more.

Attached: 59402367.png (504x1280, 503.87K)

>Game Freak cannot be bothered to write a proper antagonist
I agree

>Exposes himself as the antagonist.
>Gets defeated on the same spot.
>No one will ever believe you he was a bad guy
Only kek worthy part

>Tries to kill you
>Gets reck'd
>Comes off it and gives you a tablet
>Seethes again when god gives you a toot horn to come meet him
>Swears he'll get God no matter how long it takes and fucks off
>Never see him again
>Meet god
>God decides to hang with you for a bit
>Nobody ever reacts to the fact you have God on your side now
>God either won't let you go back to your world and time or the protagonist litterally doesn't give a single fuck about going back to his/her world or time OR protagonist figures with god on his/her side now they can larp around as much as they want then once they've had their fill finally go home.

I mean it WOULD explain why all the legendaries you capture are wild again 100 years later but at the same time lol carrying abot the plot in Pokemon

>I mean it WOULD explain why all the legendaries you capture are wild again 100 years later
Legendaries in Pokémon are not and have never been one-of-a-kind.

>Legendaries in Pokémon are not and have never been one-of-a-kind.
That's not true. It's just that catching legendaries had never been canon until Black/White. Every other legendary could have been defeated instead of captured, and it has never been canon that any of the protagonists ever completed the Pokedex. So essentially recurring legendaries are simply in the timeline where they were not captured. There are multiple legendaries that are unique according to lore, with the only exception of those explicitly not so like Heatran and a few other cases like the Gen4 Arceus and Regi events.

>Game Freak cannot be bothered to write a proper antagonist any more.
anymore? when have pokemon antagonists ever been well written

Ghetsis was pretty nice

everything needs a twist villain nowadays apparently and plus pokemon stories have never been very good besides V and VII

Cyrus is good.

While I like Ghetsis he was a very obvious villain.
Cyrus is ok, he is the only villain who ultimately accomplishes his goal. >b-but team aqua and magma do too not exactly and they are still stopped in time

Volo is a better version of Ghetsis

Cyrus fans just listened to his theme song for 4 hours and were tricked into thinking the story matched the music in quality. It doesn't.

when does the game say that he's a he? I thought he was a girl the whole time

Volo was a better N in terms of being a proper villain. Volo and Ghetsis so far are the only villains who actually try/want to kill the protagonist so they are the most kino. Volo was like a good mix of Ghetsis and N and ends up being a better character than Cynthia has been over the last 10+ years.

What is the final solution to the Ginkgo question?

poketards seem to think that violence/grandeur of goals > actual character and motivation. HOLY SHIT BRO HE WANTS TO KILL YOU! HOLY SHIT CYRUS WANTS TO RESET THE UNIVERSE! W-why? S-shut up!

The box legendaries are.

That's actually pretty clever on Volo's part. Making sure you are the only one there for his epic villain reveal.

>Ghetsis was pretty nice
the absolute state of this board.

>W-why? S-shut up!
it's pretty obvious why lmao

I wish people joked more about Lysandre because his goal was actual just literal genocide with no buts or ifs about it

too bad he immediately gives up from fighting anyway
>b-but he says he will never give up!
and disappears from the game

And it's for the most dumbed-down and vaguely-worded reasons, too.



Not to mention his design is a complete joke and he has no suitable/memorable team members. Guzma will always remain as best boss

Explain Cyrus' motivation without delving into your personal fanfiction you dreamt up whilst masturbating to his battle theme.

>any more
never could

Imagine being so clueless you don't realize Volo is the villain halfway through the game.

Mmm, I usually interpret the capture of legendaries as them deciding to hang out with you for a while.
At some point after the end of the game the mc and the magic god/animal part ways, most of the time