There's a lot of move to earn nowadays and i get what they’re trying to do but…. Move to earn really...

There's a lot of move to earn nowadays and i get what they’re trying to do but…. Move to earn really? Do they know what their main audience is consisting of? The gymcels are only the 20% the rest are mentalcels or incels they are ngmi

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yeah, doesnt have a lot of market

Move to earn? how mutch they pay you for every km?

schizo autists can either get immensely obsessed with something or shit on it if they dont like it and it doesnt seem like any of these apps coming out will do the first thing for them

I love how this user talks as if he's not one of them already

because im not an autist or have schizo tendencies ??

you're in Any Forums??????????????

if its an app designed to incels how come it doesnt have market?

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Because incels are not fooled the same way mainstream public can be fooled

damn, for a moment OP got me, this comment brought me back to reality, there is no way he isn't part of them otherwise he wouldn't make this post!

maybe about 1$ for each, and nfts need maintenance you wont earn mutch then

they're so quirky they're not like other girls c;

Well it can be a motivation but being honest id resent it if a crypto move to earn app was the one dictating if i should go for a jog or not, Id feel fucking pathetic

This is Any Forums? i tough it was krusty crab

yeah right


it probably does, the problem is that it is aimed to non-stream audiences

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Idk but I'm winning $15 per kilometres using STEPN with my fancy NFT shoes ser ;)

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so much?

ESL shill thread
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