How does she have kids to make Cyrus when she's very clearly an ultra dyke?

How does she have kids to make Cyrus when she's very clearly an ultra dyke?

Attached: Story_captain_2.jpg (800x450, 56.92K)

She was raped

Attached: 2084D3E1-52FE-42CB-B2E8-C959C2E313AF.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

She might have siblings, stupid.


She literally say in the end of the game she's in love with the player if male is picked

Abra teleported sperm into her womb.

I picked female for more hair and clothing options but now I wish I'd picked male to impregnate her...

That's the main problem with the radical gender ideology rotting the brains of you zoomers,
Just because an individual is presenting personality traits typically associated with the opposite gender, in this case a female having a general stoic disagreeableness which are generally masculine traits, this does not mean the person is going to present some kind of same sex bias rantically as well

It's more the haircut, that's definitely a butch lesbian style

Wanna try sticking your finger in there?


When you consider historically how women get treated in the past (and even into the modern age), it makes sense she would present a masculine visage, to cull any hint of dissent that a woman was giving the orders. If she's being more a soldier than any the men around her are, they can't as easily get away with slacking off (as well as being shamed a woman is pulling her weight better then they men).

Short hair dosen't equal dyke OP, also is meiji japan, i wouldn't be surprised if she end up marry some guy for family protocol

Yeah, like how Lilliesays she loves the player in sun moon scene in the rain

Liking character customization doesn't make you a tranny

A hairstyle doesn't determine someone's gender or sexuality

pics or it didn't happen

I don't believe you

That's true but gay and lesbian subcultures do have styles associated with them

Dykes can decide to take dick if they want children
Gays can decide to give dick if they want children

>just change your sexual preferences, bro!
It doesn't work that way.

They can have bad sex once solely to procreate