The holy trinity of shill destroyers

The holy trinity of shill destroyers

Attached: 98444.png (1236x988, 447.18K)

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OP is gay


Attached: 1635660643963.png (621x702, 56.27K)

Charlie said it was much better than the other gen VIII games and a step in the right direction though.

I'm going to shift-click on your thread in catalog.

>gross mall food chain pizza
>bumbling angry manlet
wow they sure showed everyone!


Critikal said he enjoyed it and that it was the best the franchise has done in a long time, but gave some genuinely valid criticism like the world being a bit empty and ugly which is just objectively true. Wolfey on the other hand is an idiot who cried about the battle system being different even though it's better now

nononon they can't be true people can never have mixed opinions and acknowledge that a game does some things right!
they have to either passionately love the game or have an unparalleled hateboner for it!!!

WolfeCHAD is not gay, retarded BITCH. You WILL put some FUCKING respect on the name of the LITERAL WORLD CHAMPION.

Attached: 13055793_242868289397679_6441389078741957754_o (1).jpg (2048x1361, 148.41K)

Well he's a faggot anyway

Listening and agreeing with anything a tuber says
You should be publicly castrated

i thought wolfey likes pla?

Didn't Wolfe tweet about PLA being the best pokemon game in a decade? Being salty about potential changes in VGC is a different thing.

Here OP I fixed the image for you, these are the people who actually dislike PLA. See what kind of people you associate with??

Attached: pla dislikers.png (1280x419, 172.28K)

What does Italy have to do with this?

rather be with verlis than be a fucking shit eater ZOOMER

Tifa is jealous her game is not as popular

>implying verlisfags aren't all 10 years old

alphas worship PLa, you dum dum

IGN Italy was the first one to give the game an average score.

The pokemon community needs someone like Verlisify because he is able to speak for everyone who doesnt have a voice in hopes of making pokemon step their game up in making these lack luster games like this Arceus game which honestly shouldve just been a Mobile Based Game. Too many content creators praise everything about pokemon but behind close doors they complain about it but not on stream because they want to play the im always positive BS in front of the camera lol. Thank You Verlisify for at least being transparent and honest about your views some are bad some are good but at least its real so keep it up and be that Vigilante in the pokemon community who would rather play a good game than fall in line for some BS like this that is being released

DistantKingdom is unironically better at calling out bullshit. Verlisify is literally a narcissist.

PLA is the worst game in the series.

It's a holy trinity, not a degenerate dogfuckers trinity

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why would you want your 'voice' to be represented by a hyperautistic and openly hypocritical furry

Yeah he said it's the best game since BW2 or some PMD.

>"the pokemon sword and shield trailer made me cry"