Holy kino

Holy kino

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Dude is such a fucking asshole for blaming everything on you and tossing you out of the village

Buttu i amu veri sorri
Preezu undastandu and batteru me
Teiku disu preitu

You are just some rando from another dimension, how's he supposed to know you're not some Cyrus type figure who tried to break reality?


I thought he was gonna be more of an actual villian considering how he acts, but they just forgive him instantly, it's weird.

his character would have made more sense if they justified his actions earlier. like if the reasoning for him being a hardass is that he watched his people get eradicated by pokemon in the past, maybe mention it earlier than the 11th hour.

yeah and then you just forgive him like nothing happened. then you get the shiny charm and he's still harassing you about it.

I understand him. He did right thing. Its the game that treats it weird.

He Dogenza'd, you gotta forgive him.

yeah especially when you show up with
>modern hair
>modern outfit

No, he’s just another misguided character that GameFreak love to do. Nothing he does is inherently evil, and even though he bans you from the village it’s not like he doesn’t have good cause. Everyone reprimands him for it but that’s because they are buddy buddy with the MC and focused on the good they did rather than the suspicious implications. At the end of the day, if someone showed up in your hometown one day and then at the same time weird shit started happening, there’s enough reason of suspicious to confront that person. Especially when that person is seemingly the only one that understands to address the weird situations.

The story gives us enough contextual moments that explain his motives and also are consistent with the plot. I thought GameFreak hit it out of the park with a lot of Legends characters, especially their antagonists.

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user he's Galarian, you're confusing your stereotypes

He's obviously Japanese dude, he's wearing a samarai outfit. Beni and him came from the same village wherever it was. Laventon is from Galar but where did you get that everyone else was too? Several members of the team probably are, my headcanon is that Cyllene is one example.

>Not calling it the region

The cunt says his armor is Galarian

Where does it state that? It's obviously Japanese style but the fact that it's Galarian wouldn't mean that he is.

in his rematch battle postgame he states he's wearing his "traditional galarian armor" for his battle with you

user Kamado makes direct reference to being form outside Hisui when talks about the people who landed on Prelude Beach, and makes direct mention of them being "interlopers" when discussing you quelling the Nobles. He's probably not from Galar (given that his name is fucking Kamado and all), but he's still distinctly foreign. Hell, given Beni is obviously Wally's ancestor, and he and Kamado grew up in the same town, he could be from Hoenn.

Nah, Benji is from whoever Kamado is, but if you talk to him after the story, he says he's thinking of moving somewhere with a better climate.

go to japan thats how they are bro

He's a Nip, you mongoloid.
The only real foreigner is Professor Limey.

The implication is that Beni moves to Hoenn rather than being from there.