What's gonna happen next week?

What's gonna happen next week?
i'm in cash but still scared

Attached: 1653624303644.jpg (1280x800, 178.89K)

he is ugly

trans faggots are mentally ill

El goblino transmericano...

Bailey Jay is hot af

If you're in cash don't worry, it's most likely going to crash more.
He honestly looks deformed in that pic.

forgot about this nigga. back when they were traps and not trannies

We all are scared but right now the market is on and has always being on risk taking so I'll suggest getting into AxlToken, AZERO, SYLO and TXA is smart move by any individual.

is linetrap still doing porn? where do i find her? i hope she didnt chop her pp off.

nothing is happening, same volatility as always, expect ETH to rebound to 1800 easy and dump again

Now THAT’S a woman!

If the Fed raises only the expected 50 bps, BTC will dump to $ 26k. If they raise 75 bps, then BTC crashes to $ 23k

Why does this pic make me hard

No one's gonna believe me but I had sex with him before. That was about 10 years ago though.

Was it good?

uhhh no that's a man

Why wouldn't anyone believe you? We all know Any Forums is full of gay people.

It may have a penis but it's definitely not a man, whatever it is

This gif turned something on in my brain a couple years ago that made me become a true Any Forums degen.

Attached: 8535E3B1-AA50-4AFE-A8F7-BDEE46459714.jpg (400x400, 76.82K)

umm sorry sweaty but that's as woman as it gets.

Attached: 1641922791722.png (593x584, 16.58K)

What is she up to these days?