Every asset crashing while USD is hyperinflating

>every asset crashing while USD is hyperinflating

B...bros? What do we do?

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Run around like headless chickens

Hold the dollars until the assets bottom retard

>he thinks there's a bottom

imagine thinking that it was possible to escape "you will own nothing"
you thought it was just a meme, didnt you? that somehow, you could escape?

Buy Yuan

literally impossible to avoid taking a hit right now

it's the perfect storm

the dollar is not hyperinflating. it's inflating. USD developers are making the dollar more scarce. hodl USD for about a year then go balls deep. productivity will return. relax.

US dollar isn't hyper inflating.


kill yourself like i did


[Laughs in Russian]

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too much work

this. interest rates are going up and everyone is in denial. kek

God damn the markets turn on a dime. Last year there was no top, now there's no bottom. What's next, no middle? Is money even real, or was it all just a dream? Do we live in a simulator? I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.

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Anonymous (ID: or3wLa4R) 06/11/22(Sat)11:38:22 No.49532385▶
>every asset crashing while USD is hyperinflating

connect the dots you idiots. someone using USD to crash anything and everything that can be used to hyperinflate it. unironically just hodl.

That's the most sensible advice I've read on this board, half unironically speaking

good luck trying to get that rate literally anywhere it's artificially propped up by the government and will soon collapse

Based and ghost-pilled

checked, I died during the pandemic of the unvaccinated this past winter by being unvaccinated

buy nonperishable food, ammo, camping supplies

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just buy stuff. the collapse of fiat can never stop.

Let me explain.
For 15 years we have had asset price hyperinflation from too much debt-money being pumped into the economy. Now we are going to have consumer price inflation at the same time that the financial bubble pops.

In the 1970s the stock market went sideways for ten years at the same time we had record inflation.

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