You are NOT Lucas and Dawn. The game implies that this is the first contact you've had with Pokémon...

You are NOT Lucas and Dawn. The game implies that this is the first contact you've had with Pokémon. It's likely a LGPE or PMD type deal, you're brought from the "real world" into the Pokemon world. You look like Lucas and Dawn because you end up eventually becoming their ancestor, but the protagonist you play as in DPPtBDSP is a completely different person.

Attached: characters.png (1170x1130, 786.44K)

So who do I end up fucking I hope it’s Irida


MC literally throws a pokeball like a pro.

Yep. Male with Irida. Female with Adaman.

Attached: 1643886194729.jpg (800x450, 129.76K)

>The game implies that this is the first contact you've had with Pokémon.
It can go both ways. Literally the first thing you're asked in the game is if you're familiar with Pokémon or not.

You can be "familiar" with Pokémon as a human in the real world who plays videogames. The game doesn't really ever imply that you've had a family or a team of Pokemon of your own or that you even come from the future, just a different world.

Yeah, it's not that different from throwing any sports ball.

Lucas and Dawn have to defeat Dialga and Palkia. You'd think they would have more knowledge about the beings instead of being aloof when they come out. Or that Dialga would have knowledge of the player's existence. Lucas and the Legends MC are not the same person.

>it's not that different from throwing any sports ball
Which actual people who don't do sports have trouble throwing accurately. Which comprises 95% of the playerbase.

>The game implies that this is the first contact you've had with Pokémon
That's literally wrong since it freaking tells you that in his world Pokemon and people bond together and Pokemon trainer battles are the norm.
Not to emntion he comes from the same rift as Ingo.

Are people under the impression that this is the same Lucas and Dawn from DP? That makes zero sense lol

No he doesn't. Ingo has been around longer which is why he has already become a warden.

I mean they come from the same bullshit. It was the same light the only difference is that the MC didn't lost his memory. When you talk to Volo he will say "you know which Pokemon I am talking about" That's right Girantina.

So if the MC doesn't know about Pokemon how can he know about Girantina???

The entire fucking reason you're the chosen one is because you come from the future where Pokemon catching and battles are the norm and affect afraid of them like everyone else.

They literally have shirts from the pokemon world, the girl's has a luxury ball ffs

Their original cellphone has a pokeball markign on the back. They are from the pokemon world.

Op is a Retard. The thread

>the blue tint in Dawn/Lucas' hair comes from Adaman if you're the female protag
>Dawn/Lucas' blue eyes come from Irida if you're the male protag
What the fuck this makes so much sense.

Lol what, not only does it go out of its way to make clear that the character is already an experienced Pokémon trainer (the plot is essentially reliant on it), it even throws in shit like their age for no reason to suggest it's the same character
Also you know they look identical

One strange thing is that these two are right-handed, while the originals are lefties. Could be an oversight, but you never know.