Why is it going down so much compared to others? Is there something behind the scenes that the plebs don't know...

Why is it going down so much compared to others? Is there something behind the scenes that the plebs don't know? Delayed 2.0? Did they fuck up?

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Did Dolphin Forest finally lose the plot?

Of course it got delayed again. If you expected the merge to happen soon you might be clinically retarded at this point.

eth always performs like shit in a bear market

what does it do? nothing? in 7 years of development?
and by 'development' i mean niggers and tranny misfits posting about it on twitter
at least BTC serves its purpose and hasn't fucked up in a decade

why delay tho?
ropsten merge was done rather uneventfully

Well, I work on the ETH ecosystem and I can tell you:

>they promissed ETH 2.0 and said gas fees will go down, never happened
>the release of the BAYC metaverse was merely speculative, there wasnt any actual metaverse
>ther release of this metaverse also broke the whole ecosystem (6k gas fees)
>the monkeys started bragging after their launch broke all the ETH ecosystem
>it's suppossed to be decenteralized but Vitalik is a normie that sucks world leaders dicks

So, basically, ETH is just the main smart contract blockchain without deserving it, and people are starting to realize

ropsten is the smoke, ETH is the mirror

Eth to sub $1000 where it belongs. There's literally hundreds of alts faster and cheaper there's no reason for Eth to be so high. 10k yeah right if you believe that your a complete mong

check the ADA-ETH chart

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the problem is that there are no other good Smart contract chains. They're all PoS (Piece of Shit) with less than 100 actual validators, or a Satoshi coefficient below 25.
Only decent PoW smart chain I can come up with atm is Nervos CKB and that is completely under the radar.
Kadena is a tranny chain with big blocks like BSV

what else is there?

well I guess there's Polkadot and Cardano, they have around 1000 validators, but they're still PoS

They were calling for 20k at all time highs LOL

>1400 validators
>highest real world performance
>fastest consensus

At the least it's completely superior to eth

fuck i remember this

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avax had at one point 1600 validators and satoshi coeff around 30, dont know actual numbers now

I thought one of you retards would mention AVAX but it's completely centralized since Snowball+ "upgrade"

mev interfered with their "amazing" consensus and they switched to leader-based, leader is selected in a centralized way. Just a shitchain like any other now.
But because they're turks they of course covered it up and even the majority of their holders are still clueless.

for those who don't believe me

Next time do some research and keep up with your fucking investment
it's leader-based like anything else now

Money skelly insists on acting like a commie faggot

I'm not reading that nerd shit

Reality is probably all of this shit is basically centralized in one way or another.

Might as well go with the fastest one with low fees that stays up reliably.

suit yourself dumdum, but the redpill is that if it's centralized it's a matter of time before it goes the way of Solana.
Either downtimes or gets slower and higher fees over time.
Also Avax nearly was taken down before they did the mev "fix", at the time they were blaming it on the hardware of the validators kek

>Might as well go with the fastest one with low fees that stays up reliably.
Also I believe that as of now what you describe is BSC (it won't last though)

Why not? Newfag here

check the amount of validators
very big attack vector