Based card

Based card

Attached: FOfdiIhXMAMtQoS.jpg (1280x853, 216.87K)

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I thought Sexy Star got blackballed from AAA for shooting on Rosemary


this is Sexy Star 2

This looks better than wrestlemania

Ultimo Dragon was always based

my local mudshow looks better than the slop vince calls wrestlemania this year

There is a sexy star 2 now who took the mask.

Attached: issidrz3cue71.jpg (551x1192, 74.53K)

God damn I love trashy lil Mexican bitches

Based Hijo del Vikingo and good card btw. Most people say Villano IV will lose his mask this year but Rayo de Jalisco barely had matches last year


Attached: jly1odxu5ud71.jpg (660x884, 53.36K)

New Sexy Star is more beatiful and has had better matches than the original one

I hope the young bucks shoot get stabbed in mexico

Why isn't AAA superstar Bobby Fish booked?

Arrested at the border for abducting kids while screaming "Save the Children."


>Based Bucks main eventing
Absolutely gonna watch this

Attached: “Trick Shot” - Being The Elite Ep. 254.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Young Bucks aren't even over in Mexico. Such a waste of a main event.


say it with me. LOS JONG BOCKS

Bound to get heel heat.


Attached: mg6t7s0son381.png (336x644, 247.15K)