The problem with its emptiness isn’t that there should be Pokémon everywhere but that the map is too small for how...

The problem with its emptiness isn’t that there should be Pokémon everywhere but that the map is too small for how empty it is. If it were (unironically) Skyrim size minimum then the sparseness of the mons would feel better as a player.

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It’s fine, you can stop making these threads now.

>make it even BIGGER
no. the areas are fine in terms of size, they just need more landmarks and interesting things to explore. caves, dungeons, ruins. this game desperately needs a Seafoam or Whirl Islands to explore. hell, put in a procedurally generated dungeon or something. it has the exact same problem as BotW. wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. fun to explore at the start, but it loses its luster quickly.

There are Pokemon everywhere you look. You are retarded.

A bigger map would be nice, but it's fine for the first entry. It's 10 times bigger than any previous Pokemon game.

How’s it empty? It’s an untamed wilderness and looks like one.

This but unironically.

At this point, whenever I see someone who still criticizes the game world for being too empty, I just assume they haven’t even played the game, because if you had played the game, you would know the maps are not empty at all. There’s Pokemon pretty much everywhere, as well as materials you can gather. I have yet to come across a point in the game where I’m traveling through an area where there is absolutely nothing.

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Mmmmh you're retarded OP.
The solution is definitely not to make it bigger.
And why it feels is just because each sub-area doesn't have its identity, minus the Ice-type area
It essentially feels like there's 10 places in the game, which is fewer than in classic formula.
I definitely prefer PLA to any retarded classic Pokémon game though.

They really tried to do that, to be fair. But it just won't work in the way the areas are delimited

What exactly about "the way the areas are delimited" prevents them from adding something like the seafoam Islands?

I went in with my expectations next to dinosaur bones (after the shit mess of SwSh DLC and BDSP) and have been pleasantly surprised. The biggest issue really are the graphics, how pokemon in the distance are low poly and how they move in 3fps. Granted, I still prefer that over them inexplicably popping out of the ground like they did in the Wilds of SwSh. There are pokemon everywhere, and items for crafting all over. The real issue is not having a mini map/markers or a sound meter. If they lifted those from BotW the game would've been much better. As is, I unironically hope they make more games in this pseudo-open world design. Moving around the areas on mounts are fun, collecting items for crafting is fun, stalking pokemon and seemless battle transitions are fun too. On a technical level it's probably a 6/7 out of 10. But it's fun af, so it's an easy 9 in that regard.

No it wouldn't, Skyrim not only was bigger but it has tons of landmarks/dungeons etc. as well
This game is a literal pre-alpha sold for 60$

pokefags be like "yeah the game is absolute dogshit in every aspect but the mechanics are new so it gets 9 out of 10"

And BotW has Korok seeds everywhere, and Skyrim and Oblivion have bandits everywhere.

It's not the size it's the fact the Pokémon still act like they did in SS. Just statues in an environment. They don't interact at all with their environment. For a game that is made around researching and discovering Pokémon I would expect a more alive world.

The funniest part is that it's never "the new mechanics are good". It's just that it's new. Gamefreak's audience is so used to the same stagnant formula that anything new is a 9/10 automatically, even if it's a downgrade. The old battle system was by far the best thing about Pokemon and one of the only things that didn't need significant changes.

Pretty sure they were talking on the technicals being that the graphics aren't some 4k bullshit resolution that doesn't matter in a game about cartoony monsters. But you do you.

Ok, whats your point? Is the main objective of Botw to collect korok seeds? Or the main goal of skyrim to kill bandits?
However the main objective of Pla is to catch pokemon, so what’s wrong with having a variety of them everywhere? It’s literally the purpose of the game

I agree on everything except the mini map. Compass is the way to go.

Grab a Nosepass. They always face north when let out of their balls

You yourself admitted that the formula is stagnant. The battle mechanics being changed isn't an admission they were bad or flawed. And the mechanics being good isn't a reason not to try experimenting with them.

Wait really? If so that is so much fucking SOUL. The attention to poke lore and detail in this game continues to impress

>wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle

>Opponent sends 2 weak pokemon instead of 1
This isn't challenge its just tedious

The stagnation, in my opinion, is more in everything other than the battle system. The stories and setting always follow the same formula - you have the 8 gyms followed by the Elite Four, a generic villain team who wants to use a legendary to do some bad thing, etc. SM attempted to shake things up a bit, but imo didn't go far enough, and then S&S went right back to the same old stagnant formula. The battle system itself is quite excellent, and shaking it up in the main campaign would only require showing off more of it throughout the game, such as having more battles that involve weather or terrain mechanics, or battles that involve things like hazards, held items, set up, momentum moves, etc; any of the mechanics that are normally pretty much only ever used in competitive play. Pokemon has an excellent system but the games barely even scratch the surface of it outside of PvP metas. Raihan is often praised for being one of the only major battles in the entire series that actually involves weather mechanics, and the only major battle involving the terrain system is a single version exclusive battle in one of the DLCs. Most players didn't even realize terrains existed until gen 7's Tapu were introduced. As far as I can remember, Steven, Klara, and one of the ace trainers in SM are the only three battles in the series that use entry hazards. Norman's gym trainers in Hoenn is the only case of stat specialists in the entire series. Instead, almost every major battle in the entire series is focused on type specialist trainers. That's what I mean by stagnation.