Shillers BTFO. How does this make you feel, PLA boi?

Shillers BTFO. How does this make you feel, PLA boi?

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Doesn’t mean much coming from him, or anyone else for that matter. I’m having fun lol


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Based fun haver.

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Who gives a fuck about what Charlie thinks?

How does it feel to not be a part of the community?

Kek yeah, this isn’t a community

The doomtranny thinks his ilk make up the majority, hilarious

I miss pre-2014 Cr1tikal :(
Very fair review though. I agree with all his points. But at the end of the day yeah, I'm having a ton of fun with this game compared to SWiSH

Fair review I think. Did he give a better score to any Pokémon game, for that matter?

I totally agree with him.

This is the opinion of someone who has played more games inside the open world genre and isn't reviewing it as a "Pokemon but with finally a twist!" mindset.

This game is a fucking joke even compared to games in the same damn console. BotW blows it away, Xenoblade, ditto, Monster Hunter Rise, you don't even have to ask.

>Charlie has shit taste
Who gives a fuck what a retarded faggot manlet thinks game is fun lmao

I think he gave SWOSHI a 50% but thats about it
>I miss pre-2014 Cr1tikal :(
This, fuck even pre twitch he had a much different vibe than he does now

yeah collecting Korok turds is much more fun than collecting Pokemon!

yeah I love the 5 FPS and movie games with 800 pages of dialog

>Monster Hunter Rise
fair enough but Monster Hunter has shittier and fewer unique monsters

Yeah I'm not playing any of that gay shit I'll stick to modded skyrim and halo infinite for my other open world games thank you very much.

Oh no, a non-Pokemon fan e-celeb doesn't like a Pokemon game? How will I ever recover?
*Goes back to happily playing Pokemon Legends Arceus*

I mean he's right. It's a beta test for gen 9 or a legends 2 which builds upon it

You faggots have said the last 5 sets of games were beta tests

That’s all they have, don’t take it from them

Oh, Infinite is another can of worms. But at least that game has multiplayer and looks good. But overall Infinite is a waste of potential as well.

Both of these games need DLC ASAP.

Wait... How could it be that it features no voice acting? Even mobile games have this.

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that just means game freak aren't making substantial enough games

So much cope kek

>people still care about heckin' wholesome uwu cuck John Wick man, AKA generic vlogger #4139265

I'd laugh but goddamn that's sad.

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very fair, as a game i would give it a 7/10. its fun but not perfect, fairly average. as a pokemon game however its 9/10. nobody said the game was amazing, the people praising it acknowledge that its not a great game but its the best pokemon game weve had in a long time

fpbp, /thread, based, etc.

Keep throating YouTube man’s grower

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