/pug/ - Pokémon Unite General

Pokémon UNITE is a 5v5 MOBA where the objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.


>Information (right side for links)

- Aegislash (February 12)

- Trevenant has released!
- Minor events: serebii.net/pokemonunite/events.shtml
- Patch notes: serebii.net/pokemonunite/patch.shtml

Previous /pug/ thread

Attached: tsareena pokesnax - no-rtist.png (1936x1936, 351.21K)

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First for step on me QUEEN

Attached: 1573078428121.webm (720x720, 2.96M)

I sincerely hope that anyone who picks Charizard into top/bottom lane dies in their sleep tonight

You can't kill what's already dead inside.

Attached: zard crater.png (888x500, 638.15K)




So Clefairy's getting in after all?
Aw shit.

Support can't escape the pink menace.

Unovasisters... it was supposed to be our turn...

>Not Clefable

Since they seem to be fond of meme moves I hope it gets meteor mash

>cc dragonite during the windup
>hyperbeam still goes off
Just fucking give these shits unstoppable at this point and stop giving me hope

It will have Metronome and you will enjoy it.

Cosmic power, metronome, moonblast, moonlight, screenshot this

Zard is shit in lane

Charizard is on the top half of the upper tiers though

Smeargle when

Charmander is on par with Ralts for shitty early game
You can play Charizard in jungle and get flamethrower or fire punch uncontested, but lane is terrible

Doesn't seem that bad as long as your lane partner has decent cc.

Only doesn't seem bad because most of the playbase is bad. Go against a competent enemy lane and charmander is in for a bad time

Imagine using Sketch on CHARIZARD's ultimate.

>every team has a zeraora or talonflame that instalocks jungle
Guess I'm never playing Charizard again, lol.

What was it

>Smeargle flying off 100,000 feet into the air for a suplex and then hovers above the battlefield with no explanation
pls add china

>stall the entire enemy team at their goal with rotom while team burns zap
>their greedent realises and makes a mad dash to the funny bird, the rest of my team just lets it get in and take it
ah, veteran rank
I missed your funny shenanigans