Post your baseball pro tier throws!

Post your baseball pro tier throws!

Attached: 1625115566270.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

It's pretty annoying how easy it is to miss cause the ball gets hung up on some geometry you're clearly aiming past

This is the reason of because PLA is the worst Pokémon game ever made.

Annoying, but not that big of a deal. What gets my piss boiling is that you're unable to throw the ball farther.

>Not a feather ball Chad

Feather Balls exist for a reason user.

What I noticed is that if your character is completely behind an object, even if your reticle is on top of a pokemon, the poke ball will miss and hit the tree or whatever object you're behind.
You have to walk out from behind the object completely in order to land the ball

Come on don't leave me hanging, post your pro throws.

Attached: 1643101647699.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Not OP but I've had my feather balls just bounce off a pokemon and make a bonk noise many times and it's infuriating. It makes the pokemon do like a "shit something just hit me in the head" animation and then they spot me a mile away and start attacking me. Am I doing something wrong?

Not the same thing, but I threw a ball out at Alpha Alakazam as I dived over him and caught it unawares.

Damn you got that little fucker good, can you do the one in cottonsedge prairie? I cant tell if this is the same one or not

they have an arbitrarily limited range

I think it doesn't work for non-flying mons or heavy mons? Didn't work on golduck when I tried to catch one across the river in the 2nd area.

I would also like to know what the fuck is going on here. I assume that there's a max catchable distance we're passing, but that's pure conjecture. Then again, Pokémon can turn their eyes/head to look at you whilst you're not in their visibility range so the game probably doesn't know what the fuck is going on, either

Yeah it doesn't work on certain mons. Maybe it's the description where it says about flying or nimble mons.

Attached: 1620938221474.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

There is something like gravity in this game, isn't it?

Yeah you can see the ball still arcs but it only arcs little because the ball is featherweight.

bitch as nigga togetic flyin round was no match for my feather balls, dis homie aim is perfection.

no it isn't. there is a range that the balls can be used from successfully. they lose their effectiveness if you are too far away even if you are close enough to physically hit them with the ball

But the Togetic is definitely farther than the Golduck

goldduck does not fly biatch, feather balls r fo flyin types
