Comments, questions, concerns?

comments, questions, concerns?

Attached: inconspicuous.jpg (1280x720, 173.47K)

Is that a dude?

Who does he bottom for

you tell me

For a dude, it has some really perky bitch tits.

Antivaxxer retard

>perky bitch tits
you mean anterior pelvic tilt

Hrt do be kinda like that doe

Trannies exist you know?

cute hair. would stick my cock in

Dude is the worst character in the entire game. I dread every bit of dialog he has.

Canonical femboy.

Thought they were going to be a nice spunky girl turns out they were some bitter Proud Boy in disguise

>In industrial revolution Japan

all soi diet

nice haircut but he's gotta let those eyebrows grow out.

So this is where Tucker comes from.

Concern is that I might be gay

nice boymoder you poster there OP


Attached: Lucian.jpg (1200x675, 60.79K)

I want to fuck a few boys in this series but I'm not interested in this dude.

I mean he's definitely not gay otherwise his genes would not go on to pass to future generations