Can someone please explain the hype? I don’t get it. I watched the very first episode and haven’t tuned in since

Can someone please explain the hype? I don’t get it. I watched the very first episode and haven’t tuned in since.

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basically its just softcore porn

it's fun

>Doesn't get wrestling
Maybe this board isnt for you, slugger

Don't know how it was at the very beginning, but I started maybe the week before, or the week of War Games and I've been enjoying it. Just a solidly booked show for the most part with interesting prospects. It's not perfect, of course. Some things are dumb, and the talent is green, but it's not like most wrestlers now can work for shit anyway. Also, the women are mostly booked as coombait, which is a plus.

It’s wrestling for people who hate wrestling

It's wrestling for people who love wrestling

I’m sorry your parents allowed you to get tranny meds as a child

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It's short, with wacky gimmicks, hot women and fun wrestling. It's refreshing compared to Pauletty's tryhard NXT, AEW faggotry and WWE boredom.

>WWE boredom
record profits

>the hype

It's a fun and silly show. it's a throwback to early 90's WWF when everyone had some wacky gimmick but with more boobs

For me, it’s because it’s mostly homegrown wrestlers given actual gimmicks and without bad Indy habits. Guys like ciampa are being phased out but the match quality is still good and Shawn is a great booker. It is on the corny side but it’s bad tv corny not indyshit corny which is why aew never appealed to me

The roster is good. the new Indy wrestlers like Gacy and Waller have been better than most of the indy darlings that Paul brought in.

>I hate all indy wrestlers except for the ones I like
sounds about right for Any Forums

the indi/dexter vs persia/duke feud is either going to end with spouse swapping or an in ring orgy

The hype is ironic.

Sheikhs paying millions to shit on Mandy, Alexa and Sasha ≠ good wrestling


Paul shouldve signed indie guys that drawed but instead he got his penis shriveled up in a cage and died

the boring kind

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